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mrmustang 09-03-2003 03:57 AM

I should have put a trade mark on that line...I could live off the royalties..........

Bill S.


Originally posted by Real Ford

can't we all just get along....

Dan Semko 09-03-2003 06:35 AM

We'll start calling your "Rodney" from now on. Now when would you like a sound thrashing??;)
BTW: The line starts to the left folks and all proceeds will be forwarded to DV for the next Spring Fling!:D

casaleenie 09-03-2003 07:27 AM

"it takes a worried man to sing a worried song, I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long"

Kingston Trio

(I have no idea how this applies but it seems to fit):CRY: :MECOOL:

Dream Master 09-03-2003 01:24 PM

Dan Semko 09-03-2003 01:30 PM

Time to start the pop corn Ruby, there's going to be a rumble in the jungle soon! The sandbagging has "officially commenced".;)

BLACKJACK 09-03-2003 03:23 PM








cobish 09-03-2003 05:16 PM

children, children please behave, santa is coming soon:3DSMILE: :3DSMILE: :3DSMILE: :3DSMILE:

Dan Semko 09-03-2003 06:41 PM

Women and children must exit this site immediately. Members that have certain medical conditions must have prior medical authorization to participate in what promises to be a very "spirited" discourse.;)
Someone call the paramedics for Evan because when the dust settles, the "REAL" evidence will be mind altering!:eek:

computerworks 09-03-2003 07:12 PM

If there is nothing left to say about the topic of this thread, please pass on adding a "reply"

...don't let it get silly.

ClubCobra Moderator

BLACKJACK 09-03-2003 08:20 PM

OKAY - - - -


Dream Master 09-04-2003 10:02 AM

Here's a Fact: The Japanese forced GM and Ford etc. to step up to the plate and do a better job or fall by the wayside. That's proven, and the consumers are the better for it. And yes, the American auto manufacturers took a few pages out of the competitions' play book.

Seems Mike feels that "the others will never catch up, as Superformance is way ahead" I am sure that if the others want to compete they WILL have to try and emulate the many things that Superformance has done sucessfully. I spent 10 days over at the SPF factory, and believe me they are miles ahead of any other specialty car manufacturer. Their Quality Assurance lab randomly and periodically pulls welded parts off the assembly line, the lab cuts through the weld then polishes it then dips it in acid to show the penetration, then photos it and files it away. They do things like calibrating all the torque wrenches periodically, and each wrench is color coded to only be used for a specific task and not to be changed from it's designated and calibrated setting. Each welding machine has a posted photo placard that tells what the setting are to be for that operation, and the Q A auditors monitor these settings at random, record and file their findings. They have some type of underwater cathodic eroding computerized machine that creates moulds or something? 20 or so 5 axis milling machings and over 600 craftsmen making almost everything in house, from spindles to windshields. Guys this is an unbelievable facility, and yes I am bias, but I have the pictures and video to proven what goes on over there. And the products they deliver speak for themselves on quality and dependability.

Anyone wanting to see a sample of these factory pictures, feel free to contact me at reedcobra@aol. I don't want this to be viewed as an advertisement. Sorry as it already has I'm sure. I would like to think this is more about giving the readers seeking info the info they seek.

Doug Reed

Excaliber 09-04-2003 10:24 AM

Doug,,,,a good "walk through" of their factory process. Impressive.


misfit41 09-04-2003 10:53 AM

it seems the SPF owners are over defensive on this new SAI venture,I wouldnt worry,the SPF is a great car,in it's own right,although the implication that SAI is imitating them is absurd,I mean we all drive or want to drive cars that are spun off of what one man dreamed and did while everyone else talked about it,seems to me he is doing the only thing possible to compete in todays global market,move where labor is cheaper,and maybe where people want to work for a living,does any one care that lots of new fords are made in mexico?I dont think so since the quality on them is better than the US made cars,so thank NAFTA,dont single out Carrol Shelby,it's a business move ,nothing more,and rest assured if this thing flies the price will jump back to 50 grand when the smoke clears,so dont burn your confederate money yet boys,the south just may rise again,,Tk

Dex 09-04-2003 04:42 PM

Wow... what a thread. I have been away from the forum for a while, but this has my interest!

Certainly, as a former SPF owner, as well as the previous owner of another brand, I can atest to the superior quality of the SPF car, and to Doug Reed's dedication to his customers.

But we all know about how good SPF is, so on to relevant questions about "the other guys". This is very meaningful to me, as I currently do not own a cobra, but plan to buy in the next 6 months. So I would like to know what is going on down there in S.A. with Mr. Shelby and CAV. Are these "real" cars? After all, if the price and quality are on par, then they are a competitor for my money.

So I have some questions:

1. Has anyone seen, or seen pictures of Shelby's facility in South Africa?
2. Has anyone seen the discounted S.A. cars, or pictures of the cars, that are coming out of Shelby's South Africa facility? What is the trim and quality level?
3. Have people given any money to these folks for a S.A. car, and subsequently taken delivery, or received anything at all?

I am curious. If anyone can fill me in as to where to find info on the above questions and info on how viable the Shelby-CAV-South Africa venture is, that would be a great help.


hottcobra 09-04-2003 05:21 PM

Now ya talkin'

DEX, Thanks for saying it. I can't wait for a response to these simple questions. If amazes me that anyone would think about giving up a deposit on a possible car that might be delivered whenever, and in what ever shape/quality. Seems I remember some 4 year hold ups with the first complete car that Shelby built, his Series 1. Seems I remember reading years back that he had found some lost frames and bodies that he was going to complete as continuation cars. Continue what? He NEVER built the.....A C did. That, I believe was disputed by the A C (Brian Aglese?) as they were the only ones to build the Cobras and there were no lost numbers etc. Seems that was a Shelby LIE!, but seems he was able to sell at least one of these to a gentleman in the far east for $500k or so. Seems Shelby just went through some serious financial problems, again. Seems I saw something about his Childrens Heart fund being loaded up front with mega management fees. I might be mistaken, so please don't take any of this as truths.

Just as no one talks about JFK's and MLK's adultry, as they are icons looked up to for what they accomplished, the same must hold true with Mr. Shelby.

Thank you Mr. Shelby for what you did in the racing world, and for giving so many people the pleasure of basking in your glory. Now prove your worth as a businessman and answer the questions and post the pictures to shut everybody up.

JAM1775 09-04-2003 05:30 PM

If the new Shelby CAV is what they say it is.......for the money it will reportedly sell will very quickly become a very popular Cobra replica. Shelby has the dealerships, they have the infra-structure, they have the very loyal customer following, they have the in house technical support, they have the proven history (Ahem..that's why we are here) and they have one other thing. It will be in tremendous demand because of the name.....the Shelby name. SPF makes a fine product. Not the least bit of doubt about that. But....the old man still has a very keen sense of business. He may have lost the lawsuits. But he is probably about to impact the market he has purposefully targeted ... with a slam. I cannot comment on these cars since I have not yet seen one. But following this thread tells me the newest CAV market entry has folks worried. That is why the initial post on this thread and similar follow up posts are Sooooooo long.

The northeast region will be 72-75 degrees , dry and sunny all through next week! Hopefully this weather pattern will prevail for most across the USA ! So, I hope all of us so fortunate will be out in our Cobras rattling windows !! Let the SB's soar and the BB's roar !! Horsepower ....the old fashioned way.

Nice thread ....but it's time to "Kick the tires and light the fires ! " And....... PLEASE... remember the many heros, victims and fallen law enforcement brethren from 9/11/01.

casaleenie 09-04-2003 05:47 PM

I heard- but don't quote me on this--- that they sold 2 cars in 75 days....
or something like that...:rolleyes:

Excaliber 09-04-2003 05:48 PM

CAV is good stuff too!
I have extensive sales literature and a CD from CAV. I got it some months ago when I had an interest in their GT-40. I gotta tell you, I was impressed! Looks like they got a heck of a good program setup/factory thing going. And the CAV GT-40 quality was looking real good.

There's no doubt in my mind they can turn out a top notch Cobra using the specs they were given by SAI. I wouldn't hesitate to buy if I was in the market right now. Not to mention the coveted CSX number that comes along with the car!


misfit41 09-04-2003 06:45 PM

Thank you Jam,,very well said,I cant understand why so many people are in doubt,as I said in another thread,Carroll Shelby is a man who gets things done,hook or crook as the saying goes,I respect that,I am no dummy,and I sent my 10k,I had all these questions and more,after talking to the people at SAI,and 3 shelby dealers,I am sold,honestly who the hell cares what the plant looks like,or if it is someones barn as long as they build good cars,I gathered between the lines{and off record} from someone at SAI that he dosent want the details known until the car is here,thats how he wants to be judged,by the product,and only the product,mid sept they are saying for the first,the rest before years end,I think they are getting a kick out of the up roar this has caused amoung the nay sayers ,there is NO reason to doubt this the way ,once again,in stone,my car {csx4761}is number 11built,number 10 sold,as of 9/3/03"Great people talk about ideas,Average people talk about things,Little people talk about eachother" Tk

Dream Master 09-04-2003 08:47 PM

I got a saying for you and CSX700

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

WHY Oh WHY is it so easy for you to send them $10K, but so hard for you to ask them to get you a photo of any freakin car being built at "this" or "there" facility. Faith is one thing, but BLIND faith??? I had Faith years back when I read an article that Mr. Shelby had found (what, did he misplace them in his closet?) a slew of lost CSX frames and bodies. I also had faith that this Brian Englese?sp guy, A C company owner, was more knowledgeable about any lost numbers/frames/bodies.

misfit wrote: I sent my 10k,I had all these questions and more,

Can you remember what they were and what was told to you. I fel sure you have nothing written down, or a picture to view, so please tell us the oral answers that you received to these question that I am sure you posed before handing over the $10K:

When will I have my car?
Is that guaranteed or what?
What if I don't get it by this time next year?
What exactly does it come with, everything but a engine and trans?
Could I PLEEEESSSSE get a picture of a car even if it is not completed yet. Surely you have some under construction, right?

Waiting for these answers, as it doesn't seem any of the Shelby people are willing to put anything in writting, so second hand hearsay is what we will have to accept if you can provide that.

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