Club Cobra Advertising Rates

Club Cobra is the world's largest and unbiased resource for Shelby Cobra related information.  With over 40,000 members and many thousands more visitors, we have accumulated more than 800,000 individual messages in our database, nearly 20k pictures, tech articles and more!  The Cobra replica industry continues to grow and without doubt, Club Cobra has been a significant contributor to this boom. 

Your business can be a part of this success story by advertising your products or services to enthusiasts hungry for a new Cobra, upgrade parts, car care, accessories, etc!  Get in on the action!

Brent Mills for any questions

Roaming Banners at Club Cobra (see banners at top of this page as example)
Over a million exposures per year

Full Year Single Banner up to 423 (w) x 148 (h)
**Full year placement guarantees no rate changes for an additional year**

Half Year Single Banner up to 423 (w) x 148 (h) $550.00
($1100 annualized)
Quarterly Single Banner up to 423 (w) x 148 (h) $350.00
($1400 annualized)

Full Year Double Banner (double the exposure) up to 423 (w) x 148 (h) 
**ads may be same or different content or size**Full year placement guarantees no rate changes for an additional year**

Half Year Double Banner (double the exposure) up to 423 (w) x 148 (h)  **ads may be same or different content or size** $850.00
($1700.00 annualized)
Quarterly Double Banner (double the exposure) up to 423 (w) x 148 (h)  **ads may be same or different content or size** $500.00
($2000.00 annualized)


Full Time Banners at Club Cobra (see ads in sidebar)
Over 17 million exposures per year!

Full Year Banner (shows on every page) up to 145 (w) x 175 (h)
**Full year placement guarantees no rate changes for an additional year**


Half Year Full Year Banner (shows on every page) up to 145 (w) x 175 (h) $1450.00
($2900 annualized)

Quarterly Banner (shows on every page) up to 145 (w) x 175 (h)  $800.00
($3200 annualized)


For additional payment options such as by check/money order, or if you have any questions, please contact Brent Mills