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John Poling






Most Recently Made Comments
Looks Good Tony, nice detail around the emblems. 16345BLUVENOM2.JPG
I tipped back a few of these myself during my build too. Of course not while I was doing the work. I... 15786120-2083_IMG.JPG
Thanks for the compliment about one of my pics on CC. There was a lot of thought put into the paint ... 13471mvc-090f.jpg
Recent Comments on Member Photos
Having said that once they wake up, physical exercises view the inadequate quantity to the banks. If...
by moshyrtr
You can check out the most up-to-date models of a reproduction wristwatches and find out armitron wa...
by moshyrtr
Shoes not cocktail dresses for plus size women too long ago distinctively costume for kids pouring a...
by moshyrtr
Nervertheless, making use of boots that are bring about a lot dangers or possibly clues sooner or la...
by moshyrtr
Civilized manners and civilized behavior, coupled with quiet, elegant, comfortable environment, a ri...
by PeterLIU
Neat lot of build photos. Enjoyed passing the time looking through them. Stay safe and enjoy the roa...
by BMK
I can remember bringing my Cobra home. Great feeling.
by BMK
Thanks for posting the photos in the gallery here. Nice to see the Cobra during its build. Great en...
by BMK
Nice colour choice for the interior
by BMK
Great photos of your build.
by BMK

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