The best mini electric skateboards for effortless transportation

The best mini electric skateboards for effortless transportation

Alfred Watson

Riding a mini electric skateboard can be one of the most thrilling experiences out there, particularly when you need to move around on a daily basis. They are not only fun to ride but also a convenient and eco-friendly way of transportation. They are portable and can be easily carried in your backpack or under your arm, making them the perfect way to get around the city with ease.

In this article, we will look at some of the best mini electric skateboards available on the market today.

1. Boosted Mini S

The Boosted Mini S is an excellent mini electric skateboard that is designed for commuting. Its compact size of 29.5 inches makes it a perfect choice for riders who need to navigate through busy streets and tight spaces. With a top speed of 18 mph and a range of up to 7 miles, this skateboard is a great option for short commutes.

The Boosted Mini S is equipped with a powerful belt-driven motor that can climb hills with ease. It also features a regenerative braking system that allows the skateboard to recover energy when braking. The skateboard has a durable construction and can handle riders up to 220 lbs.

2. Meepo Mini 2

The Meepo Mini 2 is another great mini electric skateboard that offers impressive performance. With a top speed of 28 mph, a range of up to 11 miles, and a weight capacity of 300 lbs, this skateboard is perfect for riders of all levels.

The Meepo Mini 2 has a compact size of 30 inches and a lightweight design, making it easy to carry around. It also features a powerful motor and a regenerative braking system, making it a great choice for commuting or just simply having fun.

3. Evolve Bamboo GTR Mini

The Evolve Bamboo GTR Mini is a high-performance mini electric skateboard that is designed for serious riders. With a top speed of 26 mph and a range of up to 12 miles, this skateboard is a great option for longer commutes.

It features a powerful dual-motor system and can climb hills of up to 25% gradient. The skateboard is equipped with large 97mm wheels that provide a smooth ride, even on rough terrain. The Evolve Bamboo GTR Mini also has a durable construction and can handle riders up to 220 lbs.

The Acton Blink QU4TRO is a high-end mini electric skateboard that offers impressive performance. With a top speed of 23 mph and a range of up to 22 miles, this skateboard is perfect for longer commutes or even weekend adventures.

The Acton Blink QU4TRO is equipped with four powerful hub motors that provide exceptional acceleration and can climb hills of up to 30% gradient. It also features a regenerative braking system and can handle riders up to 280 lbs.


Mini electric skateboards are a great way to get around the city or have fun with your friends. These four options are some of the best available on the market today, offering excellent performance, durability, and convenience. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, these mini electric skateboards are sure to provide you with an effortless and enjoyable ride.

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