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Old 05-09-2010, 11:08 AM
mtml427 mtml427 is offline
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Originally Posted by David Kirkham View Post
Well guys, after all these months of organizing Tea Parties across the state...tomorrow is the day. Everyone seems to think Senator Bennett's career will end tomorrow. I have interviewed with many, many news organizations this past week--everyone seems to think Senator Bennett's won't even make it out of convention tomorrow. I have spent countless hours on this. Monday I won't know what to do with all my extra time. I guess I'll start to think about finishing that design on those wheelchairs.

This aired today on CNN.

David, I believe this country is in deep trouble. The fact is the country has been in a downward slide since we became import dependent, felt the need to become so politically correct with those who feel entitled, and allowed the special interests (tyranny of the few, if you will) to erode the rights and identitiy of the masses. We have irresponsible execs that believe they are worth as much or more than another billionaire and we have those that love to free-load off the system (which is suppose to protect the interests of the responsible members of our society). So, be it the need to reel in the "fat cat execs" or to get the "entitled" to understand their responsibity to contribute to the success of the country (which, btw, does not include a VAT that we all know will never be used for anything but further increasing irresponsible spending, maybe even subsidizing Pelosi's fuel cost for impressing her S.F. and Napa Valley friends by flying them around on her plane) the need for change back to fundamental American values exists. We should look to the platform established by our fore-fathers I believe there needs to be a realization that we are not African-American, not German-American, not Mexican-Americans, not Chinese-Americans, and not even homo-sexual Americans (gay, imo, has nothing to do with a sexual orientation it is a description of mood per Webster) we are Americans and we need to learn to accept that immigration (no matter how it occurred) means putting aside our differences in culture or heritage to meld into the larger "melting pot" of American values.
In the past several decades we have been polarized by the press and other powers that may be self-served by this shift in dynamics. It has resulted in selling to the American people (myself included- having voted for Obama in the primaries) on the idea that we needed to allow for "fundamentally changing the face of America". Few of us knew what Obama (under the wing of Reid and support of Pelosi, etc.) meant when he said this. I believe most felt the approach to the war in the middle-east was less than desirable (me too, a war should not have CNN announced battle plans and should only be fought if the intent is to win, it should not drag on for decades and the spoils should pay for the expense of such a war before handing off lucrative oil production back to the people of Iraq without financial consequence) and irresponsible spending needed to be stopped. Instead, we now have increased fiscal irresponsiblity (inclusive of a national health plan, VAT at our door steps, and an effort to legalize more illegals just to get more votes for Obama), a war with no end in sight, Muslims crying for their "rights" in our country (which by the way is Judaio-Christian in heritage), corporation execs who believe they need not be responsible to anything or anyone but themselves, illegal immigrants that think they should be able to circumvent the system (I, btw, am first generation American from parents that went through the legal front door), and no substainable well paid job increases.
So, now to step off my soap-box and suggest: If you intend to become a leader remember that most citizens only want a fair shake and align themselves in the middle politically. The public, as a whole, believes in America as it was intended by our framers/founders. I believe, "We the people", do not want to be labeled as "Tea Party", "Coffee Party", or any other party that can be misconstruded as subversive. "We the people", imo, only want jobs, fairness (tempered with compassion for those that need help), and representatives that represent us not their own agendas.
I was told of the Manchurian President today. It may be worth the read but, imo, what is happening is a fundamental change toward a socialistic and controlled society where states rights and personal rights are swept away in the name of the greater good (which ironically are not being self imposed upon the group voting this non-sense into being).
BTW, I did end up voting for McCain in the final election and am still interested in pursuing the CNG powered car with you. It simply seemed to evaporate when I could not get answers from Joe. Take care and my best of luck to you. Martin

Last edited by mtml427; 05-09-2010 at 11:15 AM..