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Old 02-13-2012, 07:20 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: St. Lucia, West Indies, WI
Cobra Make, Engine: Unique 427SC 383 stroker
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Roll bars in Cobras are designed to work with crash helmets on the track where there's a reasonable risk of rolling the car while pushing it to its limits. They originally had no passenger bar because you don't race with a passenger and you (supposedly) don't push the car to 9/ 10ths and beyond on the street with your wife or significant other in the passenger seat.

Putting a roll bar behind your passenger without making them wear a helmet just increases the risk of a debilitating blow to the head in the type of accidents you're most likely to have on the street. The driver side bar puts you at the same risk but its your car and if the aesthetic considerations for you are not worth the risk you wouldn't be driving a SC style Cobra.

Kidding yourself and your passenger that a Cobra is "safer" with a passenger roll bar is uninformed at best and plumb dumb and irresponsible at worst. There's plain little that can be done to make a Cobra "safe" in normal automotive terms and nerfing one up with bars and padding is like bolting outriggers on a motorcycle to keep it upright. You're detracting from the original spirit and gaining nothing (making it worse actually) in the process.

Now, for the open trackers who need to drive with an instructor, its different but again, the bars are being used as intended with helmets and other safety equipment.

That's my broken record dissertation. At the end of it all, be as informed as possible and do it the way that makes you happy.
Tropical Buzz

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)

BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...
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