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Old 06-20-2016, 01:53 PM
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Igofastr Igofastr is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Granite Bay, Ca
Cobra Make & Engine: SPF GT40P-2265/393W, KMP318 (PROJECT!!!!!)/CSX478
Posts: 1,158

For what its worth...

I have a number of Porsches...and have had them for 25+ years, but no GT3 at this point. I have a SPF GT40, and have/have had a Kirkham Cobra.

Here's my impression. The Porsche will easily be the most comfortable car to drive (around town or on trips). It's the safest and has the best build quality, by far.

The cobra is a "fun" car...mostly on shorter trips, and maybe on the track. Its easy to see out of, and easy to drive and park around town.

The GT40 is a little more refined than the cobra, but much more difficult to drive around town (getting in, getting out, parking, changing lanes etc). Once you're in, it's a pretty good road-trip car, if you can keep the noise down a bit. Certainly better than the Cobra. Unfortunately, you can't get anywhere near it's performance limits on the street. In that respect, the Porsche, and all of it's nanny devices will save your bacon, while the GT40 will happily let you spin off into the weeds. That said, it would be a blast on the track (again a little safer than the Cobra, but nowhere near as safe as the GT3)

Reliability...GT3 wins. The Cobra and GT40 are probably a wash, depending on who built your engine.

Operating cost..., well, nothing about Porsches are cheap, especially shop labor and parts. The GT has more parts than the cobra, so potentially could be more expensive to repair. However, the engines are American iron, and can be fixed by mechanics familiar with good old half the cost of their Teutonic cousin.

Pick your poison. I like them all. The cobra, I would think, is the easiest to have "fun" with. But they all have their strong points.

They all will attract attention on the street, but the GT40 wins the beauty pageant.
Ron R

"Dishwasher? I thought that was for cleaning parts!?"
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