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Old 09-12-2017, 05:01 AM
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Wow - this thread sure got a second wind!
The fundamental issue that I was discussing was the claim that all Cobras - original and replica (with the exception of the "outliers" )- are tail-light "hot-rods" with archaic suspension and further, the declaration that CSX3170 is incapable of favorable comparison to even "semi-racy modern machinery".
Cobras are not tail light; 3170 kicks butt today, and there's nothing especially archaic about the MKll coil spring suspension with disc brakes and independent rear.

All wheel drive and electronic traction/pitch/roll/yaw control light years ahead? Sure - but semi-racy, more modern machinery like Cracker's "old 914" don't have those either. A well engineered and constructed Cobra replica - and there are quite a few of them out there - is a capable performance car by basic standards, but to varying degrees like many newer platforms - almost any car, really - they require modifications and upgrades for serious high performance driving or track use.

The old, original-style chassis design lacks the driver protection that is now legislated on newer cars, so additional bracing and cages are needed. Ditto for any Mustang, Camaro, 914 or Corvette from the 70's to the 90's, though the full body construction of the larger coupes make them inherently "safer" in a crash or rollover.

Are there limitations to the basic design? Yes, of course - but it's not simply the "short wheelbase". There are cars with similar wheelbases that track very successfully. Its the wheelbase/track ratio that comes with built-in handling characteristics in a light weight, high power application like a Cobra, and that can be partially mitigated by lowering the COG and widening the effective track. etc etc etc.

Bottom line is that current high performance cars out of the box are expectedly far safer and better handling than out of the box original-style Cobras, but dissing them off as hot-rods, the best of which can be blown into the weeds by even an old 914 is just inflammatory bull$hit. The "old 914" is far, far from stock, but any Cobra with performance upgrades or mods is dismissed as a "ringer" or an "outlier". Clearly, Cracker has considerable experience and racing cred - but none of that makes the dismissive, opinionated BS any more acceptable or valid. At least he admits to being a pot-stirrer, so that gives some context to it all.

Having said all of that, its great to see the makings of some friendly competition and kudos to both CSX3170 and Cracker for trying to make it happen. Opinions and back and forth aside, this could be some really good stuff.
Tropical Buzz

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)

BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...

Last edited by Buzz; 09-12-2017 at 05:46 AM..
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