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Old 08-22-2002, 08:36 PM
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Fred Hamilton Fred Hamilton is offline
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"What a country"

At least you have a choice, there is a road running both North and South, take your pick. The last time I checked there is no law about leaving if you don't like the place. Yes we do have some screwed up laws and its a shame that we have to pass laws to protect the gene pool. If we let all the sh-t for brains get kill off then are law makers would be out of a job and since this is the Good Old USA we won't let that happen.
When you do get your car, go and sit in the passengers seat and put on the lap belt only. Lean forward and tell us how far you head goes before it stops. If you care at all about the person sitting in that seat you will make dam sure they have all the belts hooked up.
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