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Old 07-27-2000, 07:24 PM
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Cobra Make, Engine: What Cobra?
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Mr. shrew,
What is wrong with you? A search on Club Cobra yields only a few posts from you. Ironically what little you had to say has been in defense of SAI. How long have you been waiting to do that?

You had no other contribution to make other than chime in on the side of slander and name calling? That is it?

If I were you, I would think twice before I wrote. While you talk you probably can't help when words come out of your mouth faster than your brain can process. However when you write, the process is slow enough even for you to be able to read and re-write.

You think "sand-******" is someone in a Turban not a "damned fez". Is that right? How up to date are you in international matters that you think Turks are still wearing a Fez?
Those wearing a turban "Arabs" are "sand-******s"? Wow! in the year of 2000, someone who is intelligent enough to turn the computer on, can really think and feel that way!

Come back Martin! Comeback Malcom! Your work obviously not finished yet! If you have such deragotary names for the rest of us, you certainy must have some choice words for your family members, especially the females in your trailer.

If you would go to the aid of Carroll because a friend of his died, you should be a little more charitable towards Turks (a long time American and Nato ally) who had a lot of men die while fighting along side Americans in Korea.

Truly the phrase "Shame on you!" must have been coined for the likes of you. I would like to think that there are not too many like you, but so far I have found at least 3, and for some strange reason they are all around the same geographical area and all supporters of SAI and Carroll Shelby? Very strange. It is now coming all together. It must be all that radiation from nuclear tests conducted not too far from your location. You wouldn't possibly be that person I had referred to earlier in another post I wrote, would you?

By the way, the contribution of Turks, Greeks, Arabs, French, Irish and Italians and whatever, have done nothing other than enhance the culture, the heritage and strength of this nation. I and many "foreigners" came here on our own and by our own desire.

The act off abondoning our birthplace, giving up our citizenship to become a first generation American is no less honorable than being born here (by no choice of yours) because your father or his grandfather made the sacrifices I did as a young man. What did you do? Just born to your parents?

Do you ever wonder if, just maybe if, the conspiracy to bring all them "furners" into Amereica is maybe for the purposes of improving the gene pool?

Just think what this country would be like if, it depended on people like you and those of your ilk only, for propagation, what mutations would be coming to the scene in a few hundred years?

I am proud to display my real name when I write. I have what it takes to write my thoughts, whereas you, you have to hide behind an alias that most can't decipher.

If you believe in your convictions and the thoughts are really yours, why don't you spell out your real name for all those to see who you are?

Since I came to this country to make a contribution not to suck it dry, I will again go to work and help all those who need help.I feel charitable tonight and I will start with you and help you as much as I can. I am that kind a man.

1-If you hold down the key marked "Shift" you will be able to capitalize where it is necessary and neeeded.

2-Titatic the movie took three hours. Your information about historical events must come from other sources besides Cinema and TV. THERE IS NO BATMAN. SUPERMAN IS JUST A COMIC CHARACTER.

3-Make up your mind and stick with it. Is it an FFR or an ERA or ERTL you own (displayed in your profile). Unless you wants us to believe you own one of each.

4-If you "like silly banter", get silly and be funny. Let us decide when you are. So far you are neither.

5-Manners are not a liability. Those who act if "The school is out!".......
NO CLASS, will miss in their education.

6-Take the headphones off, get rid of the rap music, turn your hat the right way, pull up your pants to your waist and get a job. You too will learn to love this country, and all it has in it. Not just the trailer park you are holed up in.

7-Did you know they now have color TV and sterephonic music. You can turn the faucet in your home get hot or cold water out of the same place. Simply amazing. get out more often and you may surprise yourself and may even like what you see.

8-It is a very old saying but it is a classic. It is better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are an idiot ,than open it and remove all doubt.. (or something like that).

9-What do you mean "some people don't like to pay for play"? I did not know that CS wanted a licensing fee, for Replica Cars. I thought he wanted the molds destroyed. So where does that leave us? Those of us who want to 'Play' have to buy from SAI or go without. Can you say "MONOPOLY".

10-What if they decide they don't want to build any more CSX4000s because we don't want to pay $100,000 and they go on to other ventures...will they give FFR's the molds back and tell them it is ok to go back to production again?

11-What if FFR sold couple of more thousand Cobras, will SAI come back and sue again?

12-Any company that behaves so maliciously and predatory SHOULD go out of business.

Before you behave like the guardian angel for those rich boys at SAI, you should use some of your free time urging them to build better quality and better customer awareness. Have you ever looked at their car close up. Remove the CS endorsement, what do you have. A car barely better than an FFR. I don't even like FFRs. SO there I said it. The CSX SUX. It is not a car worth the price of two Corvettes.

13-Have you noticed the request for a part post on their forum from a customer of theirs? Do you see a response to it yet? Try asking a question or two on other areas and see how long before other manufacturers repond to customers and (not customers questions). You want us all to patronize the people you so adore? Why? So we can all be at their mercy?

14-I urge you to repent and come clean, you never know..There are lot of Christians in this country, it is their belief and practice to forgive and forget. They may re admit you back to the ranks of human beings. As it sits you are far removed from the evolution process that God has blessed the rest of us with.

ps. Christians may forgive you, I am not one. I won't. I will be at many an event when I get my car, Run and Gun, Knott's Berry etc. Please come over and introduce yourself, and call me a "Sand-******" to my face. I have this built in frustration with people like you, unfortunately I just can't get them rednecks to do in person what they do best behind a keyboard in anonimity.
It would give me an opportunity to take all my frustrations on you.
How will you recognize me? Easy..I will be the one NOT wearing a Fez.

Now go kick the dog, beat up your wife, and get those sofa and old tires of the front porch, open up a fresh bottle of Thunderbird, while pondering what it would have been like to have finished 10th grade.

Say goodnite shrew.

Aytac "Turk" Ercen

[This message has been edited by Turk (edited 07-28-2000).]