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Old 09-17-2003, 02:26 PM
Fred Douglass Fred Douglass is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: P. O. Box 96, CATAUMET, Massachusetts 02, MA
Cobra Make, Engine: Butler with home-rebuilt 393 Cleveland stroker(Ya---ikes!)
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Default Charlie may you prosper and enjoy life!

....I certainly get a laugh a day....

Here's a beauty from antedeluvian was in the Christian Science Monitor--about (Hell I got outta collutch c. 1968,
so it was maybe 10 years after that). A radio host read it (I didn't)---A couple was camping in their Winnebago Whale-guppy somewhere out west and were deep asleep when they were awakened by some catamount yowling and coughing. Whoopin', barfesque sounds, etc. They thought it was some sort of wildlife, so chose to stay aboard the HMS. Youcantakeitwithyou (or whatever they named their Winner-bagel). The noise died down, hubby goes out with a flashlight, sees a siphon-hose protruding from the rear of their camper and a small plastic jerry-jug. It seems the thief got into the "wrong" nozzle---guess which one----hint: Hunter S. Thompson's "The Man with the Blue Arm"....

If we ever meet, I'll by ya a drink Chollie---you're what the CC club is all about!
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