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Old 02-01-2004, 09:21 PM
TheSaint71 TheSaint71 is offline
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Default ahh ha!

GREAT REPLIES GUYS! Thanks a ton... I truly hope what Im about to say doesnt offend anyone but I have always been facinating with human response to thing etc...

Anyway, why is it that EVERY SINGLE time something great comes along and either revolutionizes something or gets people stired because of its great performace people get jealous and or start making subtle and non subtle attacks about something being unfair, its a classic jock syndrom where the guys that like being on top hate great competion! Sorry again I hope im not pissing someone off but I've seen this my whole life and it gets old...

My little brother was a great runner, his times were only 1 second off from high school senior records when he was freshman... so what did the seniours do, tell him that the seniors owned hime tc blah blah blah.. why because he was a huge threat! I must say I always hoped this type of stuff would dissapear with age but lol guess not... Why is there so many people always wanting to bash the people that make head way!? Everyone strivbes for the same thing in racing, performance, maybe a little preferance too better times etc... and you get on top, and boy DO YOU RATTLE SOMEONES CAGE!! Sorry, this has ALWAYS been a pet peive of mine to the 9th degree!

I love hearing bout those olthoff boys, great racers and great cars! Always wanted to watch them. I know it must be frustrating getting great competition and maybe loosing, but hell tires or no tries they brought it! I can't condemn someone for bringing their best game and doing it well! If people end up having iig prosb with certain mods tires etc.. maybe there should be a category or let ppl know whats allowed and not! Even if they didnt have these big slicks yeahh maybe performance would be hindered slighty but even without those tires its obvious the car and driver still would have fared well!!

Chuck Yeager always use to say, "its the man, not the machine!" And I tell you, look at the white rose of stalingrad a 20 year old girl name Liliya Litvyak... flying friggin 90mph paper bi planes doing night raids becasie the men "the real" pilots were too affraid to, then taking outdated yak 1-bs into dog fights with Focke Wulf 190's and Me-109's you bright what you got for your best game, and if you got a inferior craft then you got to be thinking ahead!!

Great job to all who raced!!

Sorry again to rant i just get so tired of that! lol When the germans were the first to have fule injected aircraft they had a huge advantage because of manuevers they could do without starving the engine of fule so what did USA do, we brought game baby!


Last edited by TheSaint71; 01-11-2014 at 08:58 PM..
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