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Old 11-02-2006, 07:06 PM
Rebel1 Rebel1 is offline
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Originally Posted by lineslinger
An unbiased opinion from a factory rep?

How often is he/she going to rule against the company that pays their salary?

Stories have shifted since this thread was originaly posted and I must say so has my opinion about the gentleman who posted it. What we were told and what actually ocourred seem to vary quite a bit.
If Keisler would have snapped up that gear box and said "well' take care of it" I have to believe that would have had a much more positive impact on future biz, and industry perception than the cluster%$#@ and finger pointing taking place now.
For someone still considering which gearbox to buy and where to buy it from I gotta tell you I would be seeking a company with more a positive stance/attitude than what is being presented here by Keisler even though I believe they are being reasonable in their approach.
The BIG business "picture" says "We will fix the damn thing and tell your pals". The cost of said repair is a spit in the ocean compared to the potential new business to be generated.
The customer was BS-ing you??? So what, chances are anyone that know and hangs with the guy are going to know about him too and they (Keisler) still fixed his gearbox? "Hmmmm, maybe I oughta give them a look" Positive customer relations is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to be perceived as the "go to guys".
A lot cheaper than say a 30 second radio spot, a magazine ad, a billboard, a web popup, etc. etc.
And look where the adverserial stance has them now.

Win the battle and lose the war.

Gotta disagree with you.....This fordfan came into this court of public opinion with a "TK600 Warning!!!" thread. His intentions were clear.

He FORCED a trader to take a defensive stance even after that trader had offered a reasonable reconciliation.

Maybe it is a difference in cultures or maybe a difference in consumer laws but here in Australia at the time of the offer to repair, fordfan had a choice to accept and get the box repaired quickly but still be able to pursue what he clearly feels is an injustice.

After the repair he could have then sent the gear to Tremec for a second inspection, seek all the expert opinions he wants , come in here and ask how many 3rd gears have broken and then go seek resolution in a consumer court with all the evidence he had assembled . Here in Australia consumer courts are free and chaired by an independent referee.

If he had won his case he would have got his money back....only then has he justification to badmouth the trader and manufacturer in a public forum.

This notion about traders having to bow down to lying consumers is just wrong. The Company trading terms were advertised before the transaction. If fordfan didn't like them he could have purchased elsewhere.

That's my rant for the day
It's impossible to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.
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