Thread: Straya Day
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Old 01-23-2007, 06:34 AM
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Default Straya Day

According to Winton's web-site there is an open practice day on Australia Day.

Brother and nephew are keen - so what the heck. Need to fire Old Smokey in anger.

But dropping the hammer just brings a lot of snap crackle and pop - a tune up is in order.

Shopping list:
Octane Boost
Diff Oil

Off to the local parts shop - everything is there except the points
Apparently there are basically two types/models and he has two of the other.

Next stop 500m down the road - none there either but the computer says the store in Frankston has 80 sets (!). Phone call is made to confirm - yup 80 sets.

20 mins later we roll into the store - parts guy is semi-retired parts guy formerly from the Morninton branch - next to where my brother used to work. As we approach the counter there are two small boxes in the middle of the counter.

Brother approaches '..we'll have 81 CS9000 points sets thanks...'
Parts Guy ' can have 2'
Brother '..what are you doing with 80 sets - are you giving them away - you'll never move them'
Parts Guy (with broad grin) ' we've cornered the market - I reckon we'll do ok'
Brother 'Ok then how many do we want - 4? ...(looks over to me - nod) yeah 4 - how much are they?'
Parts Guy ' those 2 are $37.50'
Brother - apoplectic fit ' what!!! (turns to me) Jim's going to sharpen his pencil - (turns to Jim) Sharpen your pencil mate - they're just dirty old points - cost you $6 each'
Parts Guy ' I had to climb up on a ladder to get those'
Brother ' I'll climb it for you'
Me ' I only have $50 cash'
Parts Guy - smiles - wanders off to the side - comes back with 2 more boxes 'that'll be $48'

Thanks goodbyes etc.

Back home and the new bits are lovingly fitted - I get reminded about cleaning the contacts by watching the Bro clip the points onto his shirt and pull them off - Nephew is bewildered by the process and gets a bit more education.

Set the timing - check the float levels - back is down a bit.

give her a tickle - purrs smoothly then barks when asked.

time for the test drive- I'm to reprise my support role picking up the tools we left in the engine bay - back out of the drive and wait...

and wait

and wait ...... not looking good

the sidepipes fall silent (not sounding good)

roll back up to the Cobra

Brother 'Clutch is stuck in'
Ultimately the old master cylinder is refitted - success

During the preceeding week the kind people at Holley cave me the skinny on my obsolete 'Street Dominator' manifold (idle-5000rpm)

The car is running cleanly up to 5000 and is 'much stronger', the mods to muffle seem to have had some small effect and we hope for clement weather.

Anyone coming?

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