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Old 08-28-2007, 10:31 AM
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Like that TV ad of a few years ago when a father slid a picture of his kids into the cellophane wrapper of a pack of cigarettes .... you need a REASON to quit. And then just follow thru. If your kid(s) don't give you enough reasons, what about your Cobra ... or your Harley ... or maybe a picture of Frenchy crying when you're sick and all shriveled up.
AGREED, good point.........

Fred; For me, I had to decide to quit "mentally" before I could quit physically.........I smoked about 1 & 1/2 packs a day for 16 years and then one day kinda out of the blue decided it was time to quit and I did just that, quit cold trukey..Didn't touch a cigarette for 12 years although my wife continued to smoke, the urge never left, but my mind was made up and I did it........

About a dozen of us (mostly high school classmates) have had a "supper group" for 30 years now, we get together once a month and have a supper and freindly card game,that was my downfall....... after 12 years, I began smoking only at the suppers once a month, and one thing led to another and in a few months,I was back to 1& 1/2 packs a day, that was 7 years ago.........Now I KNOW I should quit again, but the truth of the matter is I enjoy it too much to want to quit right now!!!!!!!!!! My health in excellent according to my last two physicals, of course, my doctor wants me to quit and I will sometime in the future, but, for me, the hardest part is to decide to do it.............

Amoungst my friends, the ones that have had the best results were the ones that quit cold what you got to do, but just do it..........

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