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Old 07-06-2009, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by John McMahon View Post know, I had a reply all ready to post about this.....and its just not worth the energy to remember it. That really was sad that that was allowed to occur.

Aw hell, the BBQ we had that night made up for it....Right David????

Dats rite, Johnny...........

One more and that's all, I promise, saved the best for last..........

It was about 7 or 8 years ago and I was just getting into road racing/open track and wanted to get my comp license to race at our local road course,one requirement was a certain amount of track time and I was about half thru that part, so I was always eager for track time to fill that requirement.
Well, a group of owners (Brand X no less,AGAIN) booked a 2 day excursion to the track and as it turned out didn't have the turnout they expected,so they were looking for other track guys to help defray the total cost. The track manager/instructor told them of me and a few others that may be interested and we were contacted and I jumped at the chance.I could only go the second day and did.Was eager to get more track time,especially with a group of Cobras!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I loaded up my car on my 10 year old 16' open trailer,hooked to my 7 year old Ford 4x4, loaded down with a spare set of tires,tools,floor jack, homemade portable gas powered air compressor and headed out real early that morning for the 2 1/2 hour drive to the track. I looked like the opening scene of the Beverly Hillbillies!!!!!!!!!!!!!The track was to go green around 8:30 am so I had to get there,get unloaded and thru tech and the drivers meeting by then.

I drive up around 7:15am and I see a row (probably 7 or 8,maybe more) of very large diesel Trailways type motorhomes, all with almost as large enclosed trailers hooked to them. Some had their trailers painted/striped to match the motorhome, one had a lifesize painting of his car on the sides of the trailer, canopys set-up for the cars and driver's suits hanging from the canopys on hangers still in the plastic wrap from the dry cleaners!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm thinking, "what have I got myself into this time"???????????
Well, I've come this far, so I'll just start last and run last and get my track time in...
As I drive in, I decide to park next to the last large motorhome set-up thinking I'll be in his shade for a few hours anyway. Bout that time, a guy comes out the motorhome, you know the type, bermuda shorts,sandals,no shirt,30 pounds overweight,big gold watch on his wrist,bigger Cuban cigar hangin from his mouth, I say "Good Morning" as he looks at me like I owe him money and I stop on the side... He says: "Ya ain't parking that thing there are ya"???? I said: "If you don't mind,I'd like to,to get some shade"...He says: "Ya didn't understand me BOY, I ain't asking, I'm telling ya, ya ain't parking that thing next to me"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Ya can go over there by the bathrooms, there's a lotta room there".......

So I creep over to the other side of the parking area,other side of the tracks if you will, and stop next to the bathrooms where he told me to park. I sat in my truck for a few minutes debating on what to do, I looked at my watch and thought if I leave now,I could be home before 10:00am and at least get some yard work done.Screw it, I'm here and I'm gonna get on the track,so I begin to unload making as much racket and noise as possible hoping to wake the dead...

I find the manager and go thru tech and the little drivers meeting and get ready to go on track. There were about 10 to 12 Cobras, my 65 Mustang,an old tired 911 with 174,000+ miles that looked like it had a 2 stroke motor in it when on track, but ran fast,handled very well, and had a really nice guy driving it and maybe one or two other cars, really don't remember.....

I only knew one guy there with a Cobra,so I politely introduced myself to the others and thanked them for letting me be there... 3 or 4 were really nice, the other 7 or 8 were total a$$wipes..

Well, we get on track and I start last each session and run a good,comfortable pace, not overdriving, just getting seat time. I notice by the end of the session I'm on some of these car's rear bumper and I'm thinking they all got at least 100 hp more than me,most 175 hp more,wide sticky race tires, gaint brakes, these cars should be lapping a fully street legal,street driven 3200 pound 65 Mustang in 5 or 6 laps,but it ain't nowhere close to that!!!!!!!

Late morning I go and ask these 2 ladies that were timing laps if it were possible, could they time a few of my laps the next session out, they said sure, but we've been timing you since the begining, here's your lap times....Wow, I couldn't believe it, so I asked them why would they time me and not those shiny Cobras??? I won't repeat their answer!!!! One was the 911 guy's wife and the other lady was with them, seems they liked these guys as much as I did. So later on I talk the the 911 guy and he had followed me around one session and offered me some tips and told me to follow him out next time, he said I ran a good line cept in 2 turns and he thought I could pick up some time by changing my line in those 2 turns, well, he was right,and I did pick up some time....

Well, now it's early afternoon and they have a little informal meeting and decide to have a "short race" which we ain't supposed to do. So everybody goes along including me and I told them I would start last as to not get in anybodies way and cause any problems.

Car is cooled down as well as the tires and brakes and I figure I'll just take it easy and have fun. I think there were 11 cars including me. We take the green flag a couple of turns before the front straight and I stay with the pack and when we hit the front straight I stand on the gas and pass 3 cars before turn one,WOW, what the hell is happening here, one guy was the Cigar guy and I just couldn't help myself, I had to let him know he was # 1 in my book as I blew by him.....

I'm driving good and the car is running good and handling well and I'm running 3rd within a few laps,#2 car has a 500hp stroker motor,race slicks, big Wilwoods on all four corners and a good driver, I can see him but can't close up on him,after all, I've got 325hp on a good day, old Hoosier bias ply tires,Auto Zone rebuilt calipers and stock brake pads and a 3200 pound car...1st place car is a road race car that has competed in many races with a seasoned driver and nobody can touch him.........

After that session I head to my trailer to load up and head home and the 911 guy comes to talk to me and tell me thanks for putting on a good showing that session...........That made my day and I headed home...........

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