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Old 09-10-2009, 10:45 AM
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That's the best you can do? Ask if I am a "birther" because I don't agree with your position? What are you, two years old?

I leveled some pretty serious credibility charges against you regarding your hypocrisy; instead of responding, you choose to ignore the substance of my observations, and question if I am a "birther" also; there was no better way for you to illustrate and prove my point.

Which is, you are a huge dare you complain about all the ignorant people making comments about Obama's tendency towards communism, marxism, socialism, whatever and at the first opportunity you ask if I am a "birther" and then imply that I am assumed to be a "birther" and conspiracist, and go on to bunch me and others as defenders of the Nazi myth, etc. in the following sentence. You got some set of stones.

You call that reasonable conversation? You are deeply confused about a lot of things. You seem, to me, searching for the "right" answers, without the proper tools to find them. Sad.

I have nothing against you personally; I have met plenty of good people that hold your views; your heart is in the right place, but you are clueless with respect to limited government, policy, economics, incentives, etc.

The only reason I choose to engage people such as yourself is to hopefully sway those who are on the fence about these issues. You are obviously a lost cause although I can tell from your tone that you think you are some kind of moderate liberal willing to debate. I think it is helpful for you to hear from people that that you live in a dream world; we country cannot afford to just ignore you like we used to.

