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mr bruce 05-21-2003 02:31 AM

Fact, F5 buying SAI
Read it and weep. Another confirmation. Rite from the lips of Dave Smith. Look on the All FFR channel.

Double Venom 05-21-2003 04:20 AM

Mr Bruce...
No can find. Make it easy for the old and feeble. Where's the LINK? :)

CobraEd 05-21-2003 04:53 AM

I figured this was happening
Will be interesting to follow.


Bill Wells 05-21-2003 05:12 AM

dv, i am with you..searched ffr site twice and came up empty re referenced thread.b

casaleenie 05-21-2003 05:16 AM

It's gonna happen!!!!!
I'm tellin' ya, it's gonna happen!!!

and it's a good thing.....

CobraEd 05-21-2003 05:21 AM

SAI replica value now: $70K - $120K
SAI replica value after: $35K



Ron Roth 05-21-2003 05:22 AM

Try this guys,;f=1;t=019308

Scroll down to Silverbullits response, same thing I heard from Dave Smith.


Jim Colman 05-21-2003 05:50 AM

Dave Smith told me a couple of weeks ago that FFR was looking into purchasing SAI. Apparently it's now a done deal.

Don't this just beat all!

I'd love to see the look on Shel's face when he heard the news.


agro1 05-21-2003 06:29 AM

Sounds similar to what happaned with Harley Davidson years back. When AMC purchased them their product took a serious hit in quality. I would think the same may happen here if SAI is in fact aquired by FFR, but you never know. I'm sure the "pre-FFR replica's" will hold their value if not become even more valuable due to the public perception of having the Shelby name diluted, cause that's the only thing that makes them so valuable...I'm sure Shelby will be happy to get paid off once and for all.

Wade Chamberlain 05-21-2003 06:41 AM


Originally posted by Jim Colman

Dave Smith told me a couple of weeks ago that FFR was looking into purchasing SAI. Apparently it's now a done deal.

Don't this just beat all!

I'd love to see the look on Shel's face when he heard the news.


Jim - a done deal? Other than what's been said on the forums, and Dave saying they were "looking into purchasing SAI", do you have confirmation that it's true?

meat 05-21-2003 07:38 AM;threadid=54

Your pal,

Dan Stryffeler 05-21-2003 08:16 AM

Where, where, where?

Still no written confirmation...

Jim Colman 05-21-2003 08:36 AM

Simply going by what Silverbullet said on the the other thread and what I was told by Dave.
Nobody has seen anything in writing or other "official " word. Apparently Dave Smith told Silverbullet that the "deed was done". Dave told me several weeks ago that FFR was negoiating to purchase SAI from Venture. I guess we'll all have to wait until we get the official word from FFR or SAI.


CobraEd 05-21-2003 08:38 AM

BTW Jim, . . . . we're all still waiting for that next Cobra video!!!!! Anything in the works?


ddimick 05-21-2003 09:11 AM

I don't understand why FFR buying SAI (if it's true) would have any impact at all on the value of the new CSX cars. Can someone logically explain this? Why would FFR owning SAI, as opposed to Venture, make such a drastic difference in the value of the cars? The Smiths would have to be idiots to link the FFR line with the CSX line, and I don't think they are idiots. That's just bad business.

Turk 05-21-2003 09:11 AM


You said
SAI replica value now: $70K - $120K
SAI replica value after: $35K

If I was an FFR owner I would take it to mean somehow that FFR name is going to cheapen other makes. I don't agree.

I am willing to bet, if the deal goes through (which will be a good thing by the way) the value of my car will be higher in two years from the day the deal was inked than it is the day before the deal is signed.

Carroll is in his 80's. How long did he, or anyone else think he was going to do this? What better way to keep the legend alive than to hand it over, sell it to a company that is NOt old and tired and have a future?

Who in here (regardless of what they think of the FFRs as a product) can question the viability and the future of Smith Boys?

Why not them? They have the marketing skills , they have demonstrated that. They have the tenacity, they have shown that at the courts, they have the following. Why not?

There are many companies out there who market high end and low end of similar products. It happens in Liquor industry, it happens in electronics, and it certainly happens in the auto industry.

When you buy a Passat or a M5, you don't mistake it for a Silver Shadow. Vice Versa.

Future looks good.

Let's stop using the rumors going on (which may turn out NOT to be rumors after all) as an excuse to get out personal licks in.
One model will not cheapen the other any more than the other one will elevate the lower priced one to something it wasn't.
They all have their unique places in our world. They are as different and fun as their individual owners.

Try to Unite, rather than divide. It may come in handy later on with legislation, lobbying, insurance, registrations etc.


CobraEd 05-21-2003 09:16 AM

It is not about FFR cheapening the name. That is not the issue at all. Even if they maintain two distinct product lines as I'm sure they will, the current SAI line would no longer be associated with Shelby, his name or his legacy and would just be another replica line. The whole marketing mystique of "Shelby" would be gone.

You understand marketing. It was the reason why all the people bought those Corollas for more money instead of Geo Metros. Marketing perception!!! Name and brand recognition. Once that is gone, the car is no different that an Evverett Morrison or a Classic Roadsters.


ddimick 05-21-2003 09:25 AM

That makes sense, but I do not understand how that applies to current CSX cars. I'm new here, don't even know what brownshirt means (I think owning a FFR qualifies you for this?).

As Turk said, Shelby isn't/wasn't going to be associated with Venture/SAI forever either. Shelby may be legally obligated to still lend his name to SAI even if the company winds up in FFR hands. It would give him a coronary, no doubt, but if Venture owns a controlling interest the best Shelby could do is get FFR to buy him out.

Of course, I'm not privy to the deal between Venture and Shelby, so this is just supposition. Just like the rest of the hundred or so posts this topic has generated. :P

Turk 05-21-2003 09:27 AM

When Shelby stopped making cars many years ago after he stopped building the CSX3XXX series, no one thought he would be back building CSX4XXX series and somehow the price of the earlier cars went through the roof.

Then they plummetted, when too many people bought cars for their investment value. Some will say it was because they went down because the prices were not based on any thing resembling common sense (kind a like the prices of some dot coms).
Others will argue the prices got adjusted because he started building CSX4XXX series.

I don't think I have the answer why.. I do know one thing for sure, he ain't coming back in 20 years to start up again to build CSX5XXX.

You won't hear me argue if they are replicas or not. I couldn't care less. Let's say they are REPLICAS.

In that case I will restate my position. Carroll Shelby after he sells or closes, or burns his operations down, won't be coming back in 20 years from now to build any more REPLICAS.

If his unwillingness, inability to build any more cars, replicas in the future is a fact, how is it that the price I paid for my CSX4000 will go down. I guess I don't understand that.

Before you state your position why you think I will loose value, you ought to know what I paid for the car in the first place, wouldn't you?

Anything less than that would be a pure guess and speculation.


CobraEd 05-21-2003 09:34 AM

I think if Shelby just shut the operation down, the cars would forever be associated with his legacy and his name. But by passing the batton on to a generic firm, the whole personna will be lost and no longer part of that legacy.

Turk, I didn't say that **YOU** would loose value, I didn't know you even have one of them. (Do you look under your bed before you go to sleep at nite too?) I don't really care one way or the other, . . . just an observation from a guy who has been around. Of course this is only a guess and speculative, but Ed usually see's things well in advance of them happening. Both a gift as well as a curse!!!:LOL: I could be wrong:rolleyes:

Hell, the whole thing may just be a rumor!!!!


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