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WarrenG 11-19-2007 08:17 PM

global warming
For those of you interested in the global warming controversy, thought you might be interested in this site.

Bob In Ct 11-19-2007 08:28 PM

You should read the book "How To Lie With Statistics".

Next you will be telling us that trees are the main cause of forest fires.

The bottom line is that the rate of increase (in temps) is increasing. Or put another way, the second derivative is positive.


SkipB 11-19-2007 09:05 PM

By the time I am dead the earth will have warmed up another 1/10 of a degree. Boy, I am beside myself with fear!

Global Warming. What a bunch of crap. People who live on government grants seem to be the biggest lovers of the concept.


computerworks 11-19-2007 09:17 PM

Mod Note - moved to the Lounge

Ron61 11-20-2007 02:54 AM

Global warming has been a cycle over the years the Earth has existed. But I believe the stuff we are dumping into the air will slow down the next cool down process as it takes many years for some of the green house gasses to go away. But no one nation is going to stop this. We get more and more pollution here in Calif. that is coming from China. Every country in the world is going to have to work to clean up the atmosphere, not just the U.S. And despite all the ranting and raving, about how we have to do it, I just don't see that happening in the near future. :(

Ron :)

Roscoe 11-20-2007 07:01 AM

You mean there isn't any global warming? Geez...and I was hoping I'd wind up with oceanfront property........


SkipB 11-20-2007 11:24 AM

I like what Ron has to say about global warming. I may not agree entirely, but he has a more level headed approach than I do! We can always work toward cleaning up the environment. That is a good thing. But please, let's not make a panic situation out of it, and also, please dont' blame the USA for most of it!

Check out what John Coleman (founder of the weather channel and former Good Morning America weatherman) has to say about global warming. Just "google" his name and I think you will find his approach interesting.


427 S/O 11-20-2007 03:00 PM

Warren, I'm not really interested, I just wish they would SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!

Art Burtt 11-20-2007 04:58 PM

Let's face it the global warming proponents are just trying to make money on the whole thing,and force thier agenda on the rest of us.

Cobrabill 11-20-2007 05:00 PM

Statistics exist to further the authors agenda.

bomelia 11-20-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bob In Ct
You should read the book "How To Lie With Statistics".

Next you will be telling us that trees are the main cause of forest fires.

The bottom line is that the rate of increase (in temps) is increasing. Or put another way, the second derivative is positive.


Second derivative! Really? Post the data.

First, I will admit the tone of the test gives away the attitude of the test writer. I do not like that. It is patronizing.

So I went back and took the test twice (got a 100 each time!). The second time I looked carefully for "statisitics" and, well, I could not find any. OK, I might have missed one, but what I did find was data. Lots of facts. And there is a difference. So if I present the data (truth) (not statistics) to you and you do not believe it, what does it make it?


Wes Tausend 11-21-2007 09:58 AM


Our generation has sure lived through some unique times. Although history repeats itself, especially on many social issues, some events such as, "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind." are truely mind bending and far beyond what has come before. This space journey was not comparable to an accidental drifting to a far shore. I watched one documentary that said the computer power to achieve the moon landing was equivalent to a modern digital wristwatch.

Prior to a human landing on the Moon, the father of my girlfriend stated that he didn't think we would be "allowed" to do that. He was a fine man, a Christian religious man, and he put a lot of stock in the biblical story of the Tower of Babel. To this day, there are those that still deny that a human on the moon ever happened. Such was the shock.

About that same year, in 1969, a lady by the name of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross published her book On Death and Dying. In it she introduced what has become known as the Kübler-Ross model which describes, in five discrete stages, the process by which people deal with grief and tragedy, especially when diagnosed with a terminal illness. The five stages of grief of course, in sequential order, are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It is often used to describe any tragedy process.

While landing on the moon can be considered a great achievement, fouling our own nest, more commonly known as Earth, would not be so good. If it is true, it would certainly qualify as a major tragedy. And a unique one at that, much to be avoided. It might mean that not only would some great-grandchildren die ...the normal scheme of things because we all die ...but the entire human race could succumb, never to be seen again.

It is true that we have recently become aware of many inevitable threats to our existance with climate change only one of them. Foresight can be a curse. And I say inevitable because sooner or later one, or all, of them will get us, or at least earth if we are all still here, restricted to this fragile little lifeboat.

If there is any truth to the Kübler-Ross model, we will individually and again cohesively, go through these supposed stages of grief at the very thought of the frightening future. Actually, I think some stage symptoms can already be seen, even on this forum.

But it is bred into us to try to stop the end each and every time. Even if we can't. Even if some quickly accept bad news and start a little earlier. Maybe too early. Maybe too late.


bomelia 11-21-2007 03:56 PM

Hmmm, if we cannot stop "the end" then how could we start it?

Sounds to me that some here do not believe the data in the test.

We can start avalanches, but not stop them. Why? Because they are sytems that are already on "the brink" as it were. So has the Earth been on the brink of disaster?


Fred Douglass 11-21-2007 07:11 PM

Whuch'a wanna bet the Earth is cooling (with little interstadial "hiccups")? I think it's been cooling since 4 billion years ago. I also think the current hysteria is largely aimed at some people getting control over the rest of us. As I've said ad nauseum, they want to take away our cobras and put us all on yogurt-powered unicycles! Ar-ar-ar-ar-ooooogle!

The Dutch verb-phrase we're all looking for is Scroomall!*

*vernacular variant is "Fookum".


hey,littlecobra 11-21-2007 07:41 PM

i'm hardly one to talk.... with several, ok, many fossil fuel gulping vehicles under my household.... but....
i don't think it would hurt for any of us to live a 'little greener' just for the sake of it; nothing earth shattering. hmmm. Interesting choice of words, huh??

we recycle plastics, and some stuff. we carpool quite a bit. turned off the AC when it was still a bit warm for my tastes... A little bit of conscientiousness wouldn't hurt. :)

the global warming 'thing' is IMHO (worthless, i'm sure) just cyclical. Why 'we' as Americans, consumers, members of a universe let a few raving lunatics influence us thru media, politics, is our own fault.

This country is overflowing with dumba$$es. Idiots that will believe anything put in front of them. Can we send all our idiots over the wall to Mexico??? :confused: :D

bomelia 11-21-2007 09:27 PM

I think whether (or not) you decide to conserve should be a personal choice...just like giving and tithing. When somone decides that it is their moral imperative to insist (yeah force) you to do so, then that crosses the line. Personally, I think more people ought to give and tithe. But I am loathe to suggest it out loud.

Mike (or did I just do that?)

Bob In Ct 11-22-2007 06:49 AM

Hey Littlecobra:
Do I understand you correctly? Because you and I have different opinions on global warming that makes me a lunatic and an idiot? What makes you the authority on the truth, do you have a PhD in climate or something?

There are many religions in our world. Everyone who believes in one thinks all those that don't believe in theirs are going to hell. My boss thinks that WWE wrestling is real! Is everyone who has a different opinion and idiot?

Lighten up.


Roscoe 11-22-2007 06:59 AM

You mean to tell me that Wrestling is not real? OH NO! BWAAAAAAA


Bob In Ct 11-22-2007 07:35 AM

I was just kidding. Actually it is, as are the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, sandman and Santa.


Ron61 11-22-2007 07:55 AM



Santa is on the way out. He offends to many illegals. We haven't had Santas in the stores here for quite a while now as they are all afraid of some dam illegal suing them. I don't think it is a law yet, but it will soon be along with another batch of insane legislation. I am thinking of suing Mexico because I am not Mexican. :LOL:


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