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Old 03-13-2014, 07:01 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: MPLS, MN
Cobra Make, Engine: BDR 300 series
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Originally Posted by Igotta P View Post
Hey Goodbar

If you haven't already done so, see MN Statute 168.10. You're the proud owner of a 2005 Backdraft! Remember, this is a good thing. In 2016, I believe your car will qualify as a Collector. In the mean time, satisfy the DMV. The first time you roll in your car, your stress will be forgotten. Pay them back by leaving long strips of rubber burned into the pavement.

I have seen Collector plates on Cobra replicas in MN. Whatever loophole there was may have closed in around you. Sorry buddy. Note that anyone who has Collector plates, and who doesn't comply with 168.10, probably wouldn't admit it. Just sayin...
Thanks for the replys guys, yep its just too bad there is not a catagory and acceptance like other states have for these type of cars. It is this change in going from 1965 to a build date is gonna hurt the value of these MN cars as then the next state may charge them taxes and refuse them collector plates and so on. Some say it dosent matter what year... but the fact is that it affects future owners if sold and limits greatly who would buy it... because of yearly tab sticker hassels and yearly fees and then the very high registration costs. I also cannot understand the difference between a fiberglass street rod that is basically a replica that looks like a 30s, 40s or 50s car that I also do feel they do deserve collector plates as they are driven on a few weekend sunny days but whats the difference of those cars and a vinatge cobra replica? Yes I will smile driving my cobra with the huge tax bill behind and forgotten but its a bitter pill to swallow when I was expecting paying hundreds not thousands in fees. Yep more wasted Tax money from my hard work. Remember we paid taxes to get the money it took to buy our cars, Fed and State/Fica and then again on it to spend it on the car and then again to put gas in it, and oh yeh the expensive Tax disguised as tabs every 4 months of the short drive window here in the arctic. It adds up fast. Remember we cant drive our cobras nearly as much as southern owners.
-I still want to hear back from more MN cobra owners on what their situation was and is on titles, any battles, taxes and suprise changes to their titles. Cheers
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