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Hal Copple 08-13-2003 07:16 PM

Hal Traps the Turbo Porsche !!
Us South Carolinians are beginning to have some empathy for Noah, what with all the rain virtually every day, more than in the past hundred years or so. Nobody is really sure how long, as Gen'l Sherman's boys burned our state Captital back in '65.

So when i left work about 5 pm, (1700 for the Ex. Military types), got home, dinked around a bit, and decided since it was the first sunny afternoon in days, put the key in the Great Stroker's switch, pushed it out of the garage, (otherwise, makes Abby my trusty Weimerainer cough all night if i don't), strapped myself in, and fired the beast up.

Cruised up under the warm now-westerly sun, then eastward around Charlotte, and about a half hour later, eased into the off ramp, gently going up a hill, at the top of which i wanted to turn right, onto a new lane, easing down a gentle hill. The entrance to the classy places was down at the light, a few hundred meters distant.

As i blinked my right turn, and blipped a downshift to ease right at the yield sign, i cleared traffic to my left, and what should i see coming right there but this very handsome maroon new Porsche Turbo car!!

What luck!! You just can't plan these meetings, so in a half-second i goosed the right pedal, and hurtled right up next to his open passenger window. Having seen me come up to him, the driver of the formidable German machine nailed his throttle for several seconds, squatting the fat rear of his car, but in another few moments he had to slow for traffic at the light just down the hill. His light was red.

I had him!! In part due to my great luck, and partly due to my crafty driving, my right turn lane down the hill was clear of cars, and the right turn arrow was beckoning me to hasten, so i grinned, eased up, and headed down the hill to take "pole position", since the Teutonic road warrior was trapped behind three cars in the next lane over.

As i slowly rolled by his flank, i sent him a thundering blip as i downshifted from second to first, hurling all sorts of sand and grit and partially burnt Dinosaur all over his shiny car, and some no doubt right into his open window. He was helpless, not a single one of his 415 horsepower was available to him to avenge his pride, as i slowly turned right into the restaurant area, grinning at my victory. i never looked back.

Then, swung around in front of two classy open air restaurants, and in order to complete the turn, i stabbed the throttle, just enough to spin the GT II's, and snapped the rear of the red/white stripe SPF around, then in a moment, i eased up a few feet, and rolled to a stop right in front of the patio. The place was packed with waiting patrons, so of course, i had to clear the Holley, and go thru my 4 minute shut down procedure.

Ate, and when i came out, the crowd was around my car, as usual, so i proped the hood, and discussed the merits of open air Carolina evening driving

Eventually, climbed in, latching up all the Simpson stuff, and went thru the start routene again, and eventually arrived home, a few deceased bugs here and there, smirking a bit as i recalled the Porsche encounter.

Gonna look for him soon, he is out there somewhere....

xlr8or 08-13-2003 10:18 PM

Hal the master of Cobra prose has managed to make me grin again.

mrmustang 08-14-2003 05:45 AM


Don't get my wrong, but what if the shoe was on the other foot (so to speak), and the Porsche driver kicked up the rocks, sand, and other assorted road debris all of the side of your car, on purpose no less...I for one would be pissed as hell.........What lapse in judgement would ever let you even consider pulling such a childish stunt like this, let alone actually do it..............If this actually took place, all I can say is, I had a lot of respect for you, right up until I read this thread...........As far as I'm concerned, your level of respect from this fellow auto enthusiast just went down three notches

Bill S.

REAL 1 08-14-2003 07:00 AM

I agree with Bill.

What was the point??? Why???

What if the shoe were on the other foot?

I'd be beyond pissed if someone did that to my car.

Do you really think you could best that car on the track car for car? I doubt it.

Do you think he thought you "bested" him or do you think he was trying to get out of traffic and kick your a$$. I would if I were him.

I just don't get it. :confused:

Chaplin 08-14-2003 07:48 AM

Let's relax and take a step back for a moment. It's a story. As we all know, Hal's stories are legend, and as with any good story teller, I am sure some things are exaggerated, over blown, or otherwise taken to extremes for the sake of the story- frequently referred to as poetic or artictic license. Without these bits of narrative, would Hal's or any other person's story be as entertaining to read. I doubt it? Moreover, I doubt Hal actually blew sand and road debris all over the guys car wrecking the paint job- but describing it as if it happened certainly does add some color to the story- whether it actually happened or not.

I have never met Hal and only know him through his posts here, but based on what I have read, I sincerely doubt he is the type of person who would do anything maliciously to damage anyone's car. It's just a story. I'm giving Hal the benefit of the doubt and you should too. Now if this were a post by Corvette Boy or anyone of the other anonymous a$$es that show up here from time to time, I'd be in complete agreement with you:)

That's my .02

FST HSKR 08-14-2003 08:18 AM

Great story, I could visualize every turn of the wheel thru your words. I really enjoyed it. I think you had a lot of fun and a gift for writing. Having been in the paper I will be the first to tell you that sometimes what is written is often spiced up to make it more colorful. So don't judge Hal to harshly only a great story can you make you dislike his actions just as well like them. Just my own thoughts and I have been wrong at least once today already.


Excaliber 08-14-2003 08:30 AM

It's a great story, I loved it. You guys KNOW Hal loves Porsches, his son has one. Your reading to much into a simple and elegant story, a metaphor for manliness as I see it.

I didn't take it to mean for a second that any real damage was done to the Porsche, other than a possible ego bruising.

Lighten up. Like a fishing story, "The "fish" was THIS BIG, and it got away." When it was more like, I let the fish go out of respect for his beauty, with no intention of harming him.


HIQ 08-14-2003 08:45 AM

I agree. Hal did not throw up rocks at the guy - just road dust and debris.

"Messing around" with guys in other cool cars is just plain fun. After reading all of Hals stories I have a hard time thinking this wasn't just plain old fun - no harm.

Dsprint2000 08-14-2003 08:52 AM

Lighten up and take the pole out! Literary prose, ever hear that term??? Hal, don't listen to those dorks. The other 7000+ of us love the way you write your essays and wish you not to change a thing!! The item I missed this time - Did you toggle the accusump? :D


Excaliber 08-14-2003 08:59 AM

...or tickle the brakes? A line I keep waiting for,

"I stabbed the clutch and pulled the gear shift hard into second".

Keep up the good work!


BANDIT 1 08-14-2003 09:03 AM

Mr. Real 1:

I bet Mr. Copple wouldn't have been in this situation if he had been like you and stayed at home "waxing" the CSX. If your so against the "Speed" thing, you might try the Model T forum...;)

Jamo 08-14-2003 09:25 AM


Hal Copple 08-14-2003 09:42 AM

hal replies: i respect the criticism of my conduct. Actually, with all the rain daily here, and since Charlotte doesn't put sand down anyway, i can assure you that the road didn't even have any oil drips on it. So in truth, my exaggeration, or deceit about possibly damaging his paint are inaccurate, and not faithful to the "incident." But if you wish to consider my blipping my throttle (at a car that just seconds before stomped his throttle,) when i drew past his window was obnoxious conduct, so be it. My son is very particular about his Boxster, for sure i wouldn't want to cause injury to another's pride and joy.

But i have been thinking about my excessive involment with CC and several other auto forums lately. I have probably about 1300 posts here on CC in the past 3.5 years, and now that i am also reading and occ. posting on the Boxster forum (they get about 500+ posts a day!), i have been thinking that i need to get some life other than photography and my car.

I have an irrestable urge to comment or offer advice when someone on CC has a problem or question, and now it is even worse with my involement on the Porsche forum.

So all i needed was the much appreciated criticism of my over flowery descriptions of my great enjoyement of my SPF, and the many friends it has brought into my life. But my nurse is constantly telling me to quit refreshing CC at the office, and get back to work, and my wife has grown tired of me spending time here at the keyboard instead of with her.

I caused no damage to the Porsche's paint, for sure. But i just deleted all the car forums at my office, and now here at home, i will do the same here momentarily. I think i need a hobby, so i am thinking about getting into the pen making thing, it sounds like something i would like to create.

So all the best to each of you, and if any of you are passing thru the Carolinas, and see a red/white Replica, toss me some pipes, and i will blip one back to you. But now off to a different life, so no need to reply here, i won't know about it anyway.

sorry about my inaccurate description of my encounter last night,

God Bless American and our troops in combat.



jrussell 08-14-2003 09:46 AM

Another good one!
Another good story for those of us that couldn't get the car out.:3DSMILE:
John Russell

mrmustang 08-14-2003 09:53 AM


Let's face it, if it was true, then my original post is justified...........If not, then you should have stated that from the begining.

Bill S.

REAL 1 08-14-2003 10:08 AM

The storey just sounded out of character for Hal. I was surprised. It sounded worse than it apparently was maybe. If someone spun a bunch of dirt and gravel up on to my car I would be pissed. I like Hal but if I were the Porsche owner I'd be pissed.

Bandit: I don't hang out on the Model T forum. Those guys drive too fast for me. I have no problem with the "speed" thing if its on the track. I have no problem with spirited driving on the street provided its within the legal limits. I detest idiots who "race" or want to race on the street and who think they belong in the "Fast and the Furious". Morons.

Its that simple.

searanch 08-14-2003 10:36 AM

I'm not gonna speak for anyone else but losing a guy like Hal Copple who writes wonderful stories weaving humor, driving, life and his love for his SPF and family really bothers the sh*t outta me.

Like anyone who has read his stuff and met the man in person wouldn't instinctively know Hal wouldn't maliciously damage another persons ride, Porsche or otherwise. Jaysus its always the same sanctomonious peeps plowing the same dead field. Confessing everybodys sins, imagined or otherwise...


JerryH 08-14-2003 10:39 AM

Hal, I hope that your last post doesn't mean your going to delete Club Cobra or stop visiting here. I don't post here often but I always enjoy reading your posts.

Alex Donghi 08-14-2003 11:43 AM

Try the pen making thing... Great relaxation! I'll post a pic of my lathe when i can.

PS I'm the one with the old Pentax's

bittentoo 08-14-2003 12:15 PM


I too, love your stories. It is as I'm in the other seat, along for the ride! I'd ride "shotgun" with you any day!

Those other guys need to get a life:CRY: :CRY: :CRY:

I remember the first "Hal" stort that I read, it had to do with getting your head nurse mad at you because of the noise the cobra made:D :D :D

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