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Brent Mills 01-12-2004 12:39 AM

You can't please everyone.
Well, let me know if I am out of line. If I am, I will gladly send my apologies.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: Club Cobra Community Newsletter


I request that you delete me from your newsletter and all club listings.

I have made a big mistake by listing myself with your group. Since I have
listed myself as a member, and have had an opportunity to read some of the
member replies to club member listings for "Cobra's For Sale", & I can say I have
forgot more about Cobra's than most of your members will learn in the next
twenty years. It is a very sorry subject to read some of your members postings
and questions about Cobra's. The information about the Cobra that MOST people
read are printed by magazines that were written by people that were only 20
years old when it was published, which means they were not even born when Carrol
introduced to the world, his car that would become history that will probably
never be again seen in our lifetime.

I listed myself with CC without any hint to the car I bought in 1972, and I
am very glad.

Read the books. I am one of very few that can say he has been a Cobra owner
for OVER 30 years. In fact, mine was delivered on Shelby's birthday.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Mills (Club Cobra) []
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 9:56 PM
Subject: RE: Club Cobra Community Newsletter

I am happy to hear you own an original and have for so long. Surely you have not been this much of an ass for that long too. Part of the experience is learning as you go. I would gather that 30 years ago, you knew much less about a lot of things than you do today. There are quite a number of owners of original Cobras on the site who have taken the time to help others rather than speak down to them. You might try helping those who seek the information you have acquired over the years, and thereby making a mark on the world that you obviously respect a great deal. As you know, when Carroll is gone (hoping that doesn't happen anytime soon or ever if it were possible), it will be left to these people which you appear to not care for much. YOU, given you are able, could help change the perceptions today as well as help build a strong/sustained legacy for Shelby, but I would suspect that given your inconsiderate response that you do not care as much as you would like to make me believe...To confirm my suspicions I checked and you have not made a single contribution to the group.

While I am disappointed in your response to me, I do hope you stick around and try to help out. Should you want to give up, there's a link at the bottom of the mailing that you can click that will remove you from future ones.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Club Cobra Community Newsletter

Dear Mr. Brent Mills,

You know nothing of me, who I am, or what I represent. But you call me an
ass.....Interesting! I hope your Mother learns about this. And I hope she does
something about how you communicate and conduct your business. If possible,
it might help your members. Think about this. Think about this good. I only
wanted to be deleted from your forum based on what I thought was my good
observasion. Hummmmmmmm.

I must say that the major postings of what I have read on CC about the brain
power of COBRA OWNER'S nowday's, leads me to believe that it must be a simple
explanation of misinformation, allowed to be given the right to do so by the
power vested in the almighty FORUM of CC. I have grown tired of debating if
Ford or Shelby built a 429 SCJ Cobra. I could write a book about how the cars
were put together, and what IS or is NOT accurate about a REAL COBRA. But I do
not have to. Most of the magazines have done a great job of reporting all
the information that the majority of the public seems to have read about the
history of the marque. Now THEY are historians, based on the fact that they can
read. Give me a break. Before I bought my Cobra, I was smart enough to do
some research......which was gathered from a reliable information source. An
original owner. His name was Chet McFallo. I was lucky enough to ride in THAT
Cobra when I was 12 years old.

The main thing that bothers me about the experts that post their comments
about what is right or wrong about Cobra's, have very little actual knowledge
about the marque...and they would not have, since most were born WAY after the
Cobra was made. The world needs to have a communication method that can feed
these type of Cobra people. I guess, that is why CC is out there. But I am not
one of those type. And I have no time to debate the subject of Cobra's with
people that have no sense of the subject, or any sense to want to know what is
right or wrong. The real information about the car is out there. The person
needing the information has to have an IQ greater than the square root of
their show size, before I enter into a open debate and information exchange.

Thank you for your reply. I am really sorry you think I am an ass. I find
my time valuable. If I had to deal with the majority of experts that visit and
post information on your site, I find it would be to my advantage to not
participate with your group. I apologize that my attitude and comments have
offended you. But it is really not worth debating any further. Take the time to
go talk to your Mother. Maybe she can help you understand this better than I.

Your e-mail has a link to remove me fron FUTURE communications, ....I want to
be removed completely. Please take the time to make this happen, or forward
this to someone that can.

Truly hope not hear from you again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Mills (Club Cobra) []
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 12:42 AM
Subject: RE: Club Cobra Community Newsletter

I know enough of you to know that your communication was definitely of the pompous variety. I think you get satisfaction knowing you have information that others do not, and rather than share, you choose to put people down. I personally take no offense, but I do care about the group, not for the information they do or do not know, but for the people that they are. If I know something they do not, I feel good about sharing, and likewise, others do to. Are they right all the time, no, however, I can assure you that you are wrong at times too. In fact, for as much as you feel it is appropriate to speak down about those who were not born when Shelby was, I can simply call you out for not taking the time to change with the times and learning how to communicate with a "different" generation. You, having the opportunity to drive in a real cobra at the age of 12 is a privilege that most do not get ever, and not because they didn't do research, but because they were not afforded the opportunity for whatever reason. Also, you really should understand that there are many on the site that are likely more knowledgeable than yourself on this subject, and the fact that you do nothing to acknowledge this indicates that you did not spend the time to do your homework, sir.

I am also happy to know that you find your time valuable, and that you require intelligence in open debate. I sir consider my time valuable, and because you feel you are somehow better than most, it IS worth my time to debate you, and while I question much about my life and the world I live in, I do know I am equal to your intelligence. You struck a cord with me, because it is people like you who shake their heads at why the world is the way it is today, yet you turn your back on the people who make it. You likely do little to make this world a better place, and while I fully anticipate that you have served our country well in our armed forces, and I appreciate that service greatly, you have likely done little since unless with considerable pay. Do not speak down to people you do not know. You speak to peoples ignorance due to the banter on the site, then in another breath say I know nothing of you, while I know as much about you as you know of anyone in the group. That sir, is ignorance to a high degree.

I find your supposed intelligence quite amusing actually, as I have heard nothing but empty drivel from an arrogant older gentleman who has shared no actual knowledge on the subject. Given that, I cannot even consider you to be truthful.

As for telling my mother. Well, I have confidence that she would be proud of me for helping you understand how to be a better person. My hope is that you will be.

In closing, you have missed the entire point of the whole site, which speaks volumes about that person you are. It is NOT about the cars, who's cobra they drove in at age 12, the person they spoke with to research the car, or any of the crap that you seem to place all the value in. It IS about the people who frequent the site. Do you realize that Ed Combs brought together 282 real, fake, plastic, alloy, or otherwise called cobras, together this year and raised over 100k for cystic fibrosis? This is from the folks who you feel know nothing. It IS about the people, sir. THE PEOPLE! I am sorry that you have turned your nose up at so many people who could have brought a lot to your life. You have chosen, and I am sure not the first time, a path that alienates you from added happiness. I feel sorry for you.

By the way, I took the time to delete you, as your time was too valuable. Forever your servant, and general ambassador of all things beneath you.

John S Peterson 01-12-2004 12:58 AM handled that very eliquently, and I applaud you for your patience in dealing with this individual. I believe these types of people do this on purpose in hopes of getting responses with high volotility. Usually this type of insecurity has to do with not being breast fed as an infant!!!!!

Turk 01-12-2004 01:23 AM

May I be the first one of many others who will want to know who this guy is? I have a few names in mind, I would rather not speculate!

I know it can't be Evan. His time is NOT that valuable.....WOW!! I thought I was the only a$$hole magnet in here.

You handled it well Brent.

I especially like the part where you wrote back after he told you NOT to!!


A Snake 01-12-2004 01:34 AM

Well done Brent. Interesting that this individual, for all of his purported intelligence, can't spell simple English words don't you think?

As to riding in a real Cobra at age 12....well gee and golly shucks......I drove one in 1963 when it was new!! I suspect that I'm far from being alone. There are folks in my age group on this forum who drooled on them in showrooms even if they didn't get to go for a ride.

It's a shame that nearly every barrel of apples has to have a spoiled one mixed in.

In a post to a young man's thread yesterday, I commented on "racer arrogance". To this young man I suggested he do as I do.......walk quietly away and ignore the ignorant S.O.B.'s I suggest we do the same with Brent's nemesis, should he be foolish enough to stick around.

By the way Brent who is this joker?


wilf leek 01-12-2004 02:04 AM

Brent - it is such a shame that someone who could have provided knowledge and insight into the car we love has decided to take their bat home.

Maybe it is a good thing, I rather suspect that the condescension would have been too much for us all anyway. You did fine, and were considerably more polite than I am afraid to think I might have been.

I'll hang on to my blissful ignorance, and continue to be respectful of this cobra community as a whole (well, most of it, anyway). :LOL:

Johan 01-12-2004 03:43 AM

I'm still here ! Maybe this would be a good time to check in.....

mrmustang 01-12-2004 03:44 AM


Send him my way, I'll be happy to explain to him what is, and what is not correct with his "original" Cobra. If fact, I'll bet I know more about his car than he does.........Pompous sounding emails to you to say the least........Amazing..........Oh well, as you have already stated, you cannot please everyone................

Bill S.

PS: My grandmother worked as a Sales Manager of Dockery Ford when Cobras were new, should that have any bearing on this conversation, I think not. However, I do blame her for my addiction to all things Mustang & Shelby related :D :D :D

Johan 01-12-2004 03:45 AM

Oh my Gosh, not JAMO !

decooney 01-12-2004 03:59 AM

Oh Well C-Ya!
When a member's first and only correspondence is a complaint email to Brent, to me its a tell-tale sign the person has little to contribute here or anywhere.

You've already done a great job at pleasing most everyone here. This person is right about one thing - he does need to be removed.

EarlsflyinCobra 01-12-2004 04:07 AM

Way to go Brent....Your response's were fantastic. Your mother "SHOULD" be proud of you. Thanks for all your hard work to keep the forum alive. I have only been a member for a short while but I have "learned" a lot since joining and hope to continue my education as my build progresses. Keep up the good work............Earl

mrmustang 01-12-2004 04:28 AM



Bill S.

maxrpm 01-12-2004 04:42 AM


Originally posted by John S Peterson

BRAVO....... Usually this type of insecurity has to do with not being breast fed as an infant!!!!!
OR...being breast fed into adulthood.

Good riddance Mr. Knowitall

mj_duell 01-12-2004 04:48 AM

"Pardon me but would you have any Grey Poupon with that 429CJ?" - You said it best Brent "Ass". How appropriate. This forum is for making friends, learning and just having a good time. Tell the trailer queen we don't need him.



Clois Harlan 01-12-2004 05:10 AM

Good Job Brent,

I never understood why someone needs to make such a big deal about leaving. My thoughts are if you don't like the water get out of the pool. It's that simple. This person probably wouldn't be happy in any club that had more than one member.

This site has been great for me and if I can stick around long enough I might be able to repay some of the benefits I have received here.

Clois Harlan-An inaccurate Cobra replica owner and proud of it.

Gordon Claunch 01-12-2004 05:30 AM

Good job Brent!!! I'll bet your Mom still loves you!!:LOL:

Tout 01-12-2004 05:31 AM

Holy cow batman, the jokers ass is gone!

Ron61 01-12-2004 05:45 AM


I like the newsletter, I despise asses like this. So big dam deal. He owns an original Cobra. I am older than him and was around SAI from day one as they went through their growing pains and everything was breaking. So far as his forgetting all that stuff, I doubt if he had much to forget. The club does not need him and would be far better served without his type. You are not out of line in any way or manner. HE IS!! If he doesn't like what I say all he has to do is look at my profile and come tell me face to face. He seems to overlook that there are a few orthers that have owned original Cobras and have had them their whole existance. One other point, just owning a car of any type does not make you an expert on it and it's history. Befoee this IDIOT pushes God off hios Throune, dump him. Send him to a club where his prattle will impress people. One of the ricer clubs comes to mind.

EDIT= This couldn't be the same Alex Iravani that wrote the letter to the Kit Car magazine that the answer to was answered in the January 2004 issue in the Maqilbox Section could it. God don't tell me there are two of those loose in the world.

Ron :mad:

PatBuckley 01-12-2004 05:58 AM

I don't think you were out of line at all.

Fox 01-12-2004 06:11 AM

As one who is so unfortunate to have been born in the mid sixties, and have had to come by the Cobra experience though articles, picture, replicas, carshows and web pages, I wish to say THANK YOU.

While you may have been speaking you mind, you spoke for mine, and did a fine job. I appreciate what knowledge, humor and comradre that is given so freely from CC.

That being said, what repilica is the best anyway?


Dan Semko 01-12-2004 06:21 AM

I seriously doubt that Mr.Rectal-Cranial Inversion owns an "original cobra." His writing style, exclamations and diatribe are very familiar. I believe this individual probably owns a few original, real cobras made by Exoto and Creative Masters and while he has the ability to cloak his internet identity, it's obvious that he spends way too much time alone...touching himself because no one else will associate with his engaging personna.

Shawn, cut the guy a break.

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