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Excaliber 02-02-2004 01:59 PM

A search can be tricky and time consuming. I DONT always find what I'm looking for and I KNOW it's there!


daltondavid 02-02-2004 03:53 PM

I bought the book, here is my review
I am a Shelby GT 500 owner. I have been a COBRA lover since childhood. (I was in plastic pants when Cobras and BEATLES arrived here) I Have been actively educating myself about the Replica cars for a year now. I ordered the Book off of Mr. Scott's web site Cobra This "Fully revised & updated" version of the "3rd edition" was a waste of money. well, not completely. it is overpriced. It is basicly a soft cover 70 page stapled together collection of Glossy color and B&W ads for COBRA kits. SAI is not even mentioned in here. Factory five gets a favorable review. The problem is that the review is very very short for each company. I feel like Curt Scott is a Toll taker on the HIghway to getting invoved with the Cobra Hobby. He is feeding himself from this. Which is a True American thing to do. He created a Job for himself. Good for him. Anybody want to buy a "Read twice, in great condition" Copy for half price?? e-mail me! I did buy a DVD called "Bitten by the Snake". It was an interesting insight and put together fairly well. **)

goaztecs 02-02-2004 08:18 PM

I bought the 3rd edition last year before buying my Cobra. It was a good way to get a landscape picture of the Cobra Kit makers and there was some decent advice in there. It was a little light in each review, and it was a little flowery. I was waiting for him to slam one manufactuer or another, but he's pretty even handed. The best thing to do is to go look at a few. I bought my car from a dealer in San Jose that had 4 Cobra replicas from different manufacturers. At least the Curt Scott book allowed me to differentiate between the manufactuers a little without dismantling the cars....

Jamo 02-02-2004 11:30 PM

Curt e-mailed the following to Turk recently...

"While sitting in your chair, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand."
Your foot will change direction."

Wise words indeed.


chip_127 02-03-2004 04:25 AM

LOL @ Jamo.... :LOL:

wilf leek 02-03-2004 05:44 AM

What if you're left-handed?

Is it the opposite in the southern hemisphere?

Dan Semko 02-03-2004 06:33 AM

that motion in the "southern hemisphere" will cause blindness and is deemed socially unacceptable in public.;)

Jim Colman 02-03-2004 06:35 AM


I did buy a DVD called "Bitten by the Snake". It was an interesting insight and put together fairly well.
Only fairly well??? :( :CRY: ;) :D


Dan Semko 02-03-2004 07:15 AM

Put together exceptionally well.;) Any and all information discovered by a potential cobra owner is valuable. Curt's booklet is outdated, as stated above, but it provides additional insights and how much information is too much?

I think that a few have forgotten where they started and the valuable information that many have provided in the past. More importantly we all know how these cars are a conduit for new friendships which frequently outlast the cars. I think that "Deputy Dawg" overstepped his authority which can be quickly remedied by a simple apology. If Janet Jackson can do it publicly certainly it shoudn't be that difficult.

casaleenie 02-03-2004 07:27 AM

Re: I bought the book, here is my review

Originally posted by daltondavid

. Anybody want to buy a "Read twice, in great condition" Copy for half price?? e-mail me! I did buy a DVD called "Bitten by the Snake". It was an interesting insight and put together fairly well. **) [/b]

I mailed my copy of the rag on to the first guy who requested it at ABSOLUTELY no cost the that person. I only requested that he in turn mail it to the next person who expressed an interest in seeing it... Figured I'd save at least a few people from making the same mistake I did....
I would have loved to see what the 1st and 2nd editions of the pamphlet looked like.... I suspect blue mimeo copies.....

Jim Colman 02-03-2004 09:49 AM

Thank you Dan, very kind of you. I agree that any and all information, as long as it's correct, is valuable to a newbie looking for insight. I still remember the day when I first went online, looking for anything related to Cobra replicas and found a web site run by some Danish or Dutch guy. (anyone remember who I'm refering to??) From his site, I found a few names and e-mail address of replica owners. I sent out a flurry of e-mails, requesting any and all information about Cobras. A few people were kind enough to respond and thus began my education into the replica world.


Hal Copple 02-03-2004 10:00 AM

JIm, i started looking at Replica's back in the mid-late 70's, and it was hard to find many sources, no web sites then, few brochures, just an occasional Cobra magazine. So i respect (and bought) your book, even though as i recall, i had already ordered my own brand.

But it did help me learn about other makes, and i just love to read anything "cobra" related.

Hope your health remains good,

Dan Semko 02-03-2004 10:06 AM

I think you're right on target. The problem that exists is that as an extended family, some cobra owners "ASSume" the Godfather head of the family position, while we all recognize that nothing is gospel and everything is subject to modifications. The common denominator is that we share the same passion for the car, regardless of marque, shape or even "perky butts". These cars are like women (at the risk of sounding chauvinistic), there is no such thing as a "bad" woman, some are just shaped and sound different, they all are costly and some leave lasting impressions literally and figuratively. When we forget that initial enthusiasm, those sleepless nights planning and the joy of our first cobra, it's time to switch marques. These cars, like music, transcend all socio-economic, educational and experienced boundaries. We never stop learning and should welcome those who request our advise.

daltondavid 02-03-2004 10:28 AM

Well Said Dan..
Let me state publicly that "Fairly Well"= Much better than Curts "Booklet"! Jim Colman's "Bitten by the Snake" video has not only been entertaining but informative to the degree that cannot be achieved in any form of print. He interviews a nice cross section of COBRA manufacturers and enthusiasts. He is impartial and objective. His Video is Unrivaled by any other!!!! (How is that for a "review", Jim?) Now I am an admitted newbie to the replica market, but am born and raised in the Auto business. I am not a mid life crisis "Wall Streeter" who sold his shares the same day as "Martha Stewart", and am looking to stick my profit in a toy. I am trying to understand and learn about suspension differences, Brake comparisons, Manufacturers ability to stand behind their products, and every other little detail I see commonly discussed on this Forum. This spring I am going to drive my GT 500 to some local Cobra gatherings and hang around with some actual owners. I feel I have enough knowledge and understanding that I can ask intelligent questions that pertain to the car and the duties of ownership. The one thing I know that is true, is that without this site to use as a tool/entertainment item, Curt's Book would have narrowed down some choices. But, that is not the case. Dan, You put it in words that fit the passion for these cars very well.:LOL:

Excaliber 02-03-2004 10:33 AM

,,,, well it's the video that won't go away thats for sure. Seems like every so often it's mentioned by somebody somewhere.

I've never seen it, but obviously being a "classic" I guess I'll have to break down and get one. :D


casaleenie 02-03-2004 10:39 AM

Re: Well Said Dan..
[quote]Originally posted by daltondavid

Now I am an admitted newbie to the replica market, but am born and raised in the Auto business. I am not a mid life crisis "Wall Streeter" who sold his shares the same day as "Martha Stewart", and am looking to stick my profit in a toy.

Talk about coming in with "both guns blazing", that comment should endear you to many on this forum....
That should take care of the "slap in the face"part, now all you have to do is deliver a swift kick to the testicles of your fellow Club Cobra members.....

Jim Colman 02-03-2004 11:00 AM


Originally posted by Hal Copple

JIm, i started looking at Replica's back in the mid-late 70's, and it was hard to find many sources, no web sites then, few brochures, just an occasional Cobra magazine. So i respect (and bought) your book, even though as i recall, i had already ordered my own brand.

But it did help me learn about other makes, and i just love to read anything "cobra" related.

Hope your health remains good,

Uhhhhhh.....thanks Hal, my health is fine. You obviously have me confused with Curt Scott. Curt is the author of "The Complete Guide to Cobra Replicas", I made the video "Bitten by the Snake", which Curt sells on his site.

I haven't spoken with Curt in a while, but according to his wife, Judy, Curt is doing just fine.

Back to the subject at hand, do any of you guys remember "Cobra Magazine"??? I still have my copy that I picked up in a C store several years ago. That magazine is what really launched my quest for Cobra knowledge. Back then, there simply wasn't much information to be found except in a few magazine ads. We've really come a long way since then.

I didn't read DaltonDavids post as a slap in the face. He's obviously telling us that he knows a bit about cars and that he's not like a motorcycle poser who buys a Harley and rides it 200 miles a year to and from the local biker bar on sunny Saturdays.


daltondavid 02-03-2004 01:17 PM

Mr. Casaleenie........
[quote]Originally posted by casaleenie


Originally posted by daltondavid

Now I am an admitted newbie to the replica market, but am born and raised in the Auto business. I am not a mid life crisis "Wall Streeter" who sold his shares the same day as "Martha Stewart", and am looking to stick my profit in a toy.

Talk about coming in with "both guns blazing", that comment should endear you to many on this forum....
That should take care of the "slap in the face"part, now all you have to do is deliver a swift kick to the testicles of your fellow Club Cobra members.....
Casaleenie, I was not insinuating that everybody on this forum is Blessed with disposable income and are not smart enough to know what to do with it, So they buy a COBRA! Quite the contrary. (Thanks for coming to my defense JIM!) People with Disposable income usually are quite intelligentwith their money, that is why they have some to throw around. Jim's assessment of my comment was dead on in comparison with the Harley market. For example, in 1981, When I was 18 I bought a 1957 Harley Davidson Panhead Rigid Frame Chopper. We lived on our Bikes. 10-15,000 miles per year was standard and we only have 7 good months of rididng season. I have since then owned 48 Harleys. I have been to Daytona Bike week 12 times. I even (GOD FORBID) Rode there 987 miles on several of those trips! I was at "Sturgis" for the 50th Anniversary in 1990 and saw Sam Kinnison perform at the Easyrider show. and while I had Hair halfway down my Back and a full face Beard, Tattoos cover my upper body and arms, I noticed the emergence of what we called "RUBS" which stood for, "Rich Urban Bikers"! and I was not the only guy to notice them. Harley picked up on it. Fast forward to today. Who ever heard of Jesse James or Orange County Choppers two years ago?? Who ever heard of a $75,000 Harley? (Quick note to those who do not know, The Custom Bikes they build have REPLICA Harley engines in them!) But they are riding a wave of popularity doing something I got into 20 years ago. Back then folks laughed at us for riding these oil dripping, not real fast, Police magnets. Todays Harley rider is on the average 47 years old, and makes six figures. and averages 2500 miles per year. I am just a guy who has been around the BLOCK A TIME OR TWO and learned some things along the way. Today, I still own 2 Harleys. I do not ride to the old standard. I fall more in line with a "RUB" than my old image. I can live with that. I have a 5.5 year old son who is in awe of COBRAS and SHELBYS. Days I would have spent riding are now spent with him at my side in the GT 500 or in a Side car of the Harley(The Soccer moms go crazy over the thing when I pick him up at school with it). So Curse me for being honest and wanting to do something you have done (Get a Cobra). I got broad shoulders Brother and I can carry the load. and check your e-mail as I want to ask you some questions about your "Unique".

Hal Copple 02-03-2004 04:11 PM

Jim, you are right, i did confuse my thoughts with Curt, but as a defense, i will offer the alibi that i only had a few minutes at home, and was trying to wolf down my ham sandwich covered with dripping jalapenos.

We have met at VIR a year or so ago. And i do hope you remain in good health!!

jpk 02-03-2004 06:34 PM


Consider me uneducated if you will, but I've met Curt on a few occasions, and I think he's a hell of a nice guy. When I did my original cobra research, my two bibles were Curt's buyer's guide, and the Bitten by the Snake video. Got my first ride from Dean Woodruff at House of Cobras. I hope I'm not telling secrets here, but I heard someone ask Curt once why he didn't drive a cobra. His reply was something along the lines of "When I'm done writing about them, I'll own one, until then, I need to stay unbiased."

And, remember this: He has bragging rights to one of the most famous photographs ever taken, of Jay Leno at the 2003 Monterey Historics, with a world famous personality.

joe kennedt

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