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mudbrick 12-07-2015 10:27 PM

been awhile.............

spookypt 12-07-2015 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by xb-60 (Post 1329723)
Mudbrick, do you envisage any problems registering the car for road use?

Registering it as Coyote Engine powered maybe.... Been done before in Qld apparently. :JEKYLHYDE

mudbrick 12-07-2015 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by xb-60 View Post
Mudbrick, do you envisage any problems registering the car for road use?
At this stage no, time will tell

mudbrick 12-07-2015 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by xb-60 View Post
Mudbrick, do you envisage any problems registering the car for road use?
At this stage no, time will tell

Paintwerks 12-08-2015 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by mudbrick (Post 1374123)

That battery mounting location looks strangely familiar! ;)

Just wondering why you cut the opening so large? It really only needs to be slightly larger than the battery itself, as you would never need to remove the bracket component, just the battery.

spookypt 12-08-2015 03:06 AM

If that's a Full River battery in that lovely hole u will need the extra access space to swing a sledge hammer in there and put it out of its misery. Had 3 in 2 different cars. Useless Chinese rubbish. My experience anyway.

deano59 12-08-2015 03:08 AM

i would need to drill a hole in the battery for my sway bar to pass thru if i put it there lol . are my eyes deceiving me or have you cut out the whole front of the fire wall ? and if so why . ive just cut the hole out for the master cyls and that was a pain lol

cheers dean

albanycobra 12-08-2015 06:39 AM

Nice work....never tire of seeing billet loveliness.....

400TT 12-15-2015 02:52 PM

Wow, looking great. Very nice work.


Originally Posted by spookypt (Post 1374137)
If that's a Full River battery in that lovely hole u will need the extra access space to swing a sledge hammer in there and put it out of its misery. Had 3 in 2 different cars. Useless Chinese rubbish. My experience anyway.

Not in our experience, we have them happily motoring along in all our PACE 427's. Haven't had to replace any in PACE 427's. But they are far more reliable if run fairly regularly (at least every 2 weeks or so). We don't even keep them in trickle charge in between, even though that would probably be better for them.

We don't recommend them for race cars particularly ones that are only used a few times a year.

spookypt 12-15-2015 03:54 PM

Post deleted. Unconstructive comments by me. Sorry Mudbrick please continue.

400TT 12-15-2015 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by spookypt (Post 1374966)
Its amazing how you know how much I use my car/s/s/ when I never see you at the events???

What The??? Wow you have taken that personally. It was not intended as a personal insult or attack. But you are certainly quick to insult and attack me.

These days I only attend the race events where our cars are competing. The last event I saw you at was the Cobra Nationals in October.

What I was saying is that the kit car type race cars in our club (because that is the type of race car we are basically talking about here) are used only a few times a year and let's be honest how often does someone use a club raced kit car type race car an average per year? Getting to 6 events in one year would be a big effort for most. And there is nothing wrong with that. Just trying to put the use into perspective.


And its a pretty big call saying that the V8 Superfart guys running the Full River HC28 have it wrong?
Come on, how many race km's does a typical V8 Supercar do in a year? How many km's does a club racer above do in a year? V8 Supercars would do 100 times more km's, V8 Supercar probably does 1000 times more hours of use and running than a club racer. Are we comparing apples with apples? And how many times do they change their batteries, every season, maybe more?

And if the V8 Supercars use them, doesn't that say something about their quality?


So whether its in a race car only "used a few times a year" or anything else for that matter they highly recommend their batteries for race car use and also recommend a strict regime of how to look after it.
But I offered my opinion. Doesn't have to be the same as anyone else.

And considering the problems you had with them, doesn't that line up with our recommendations anyway?


Chunky knows his stuff with electrics as well and he concurs with my summation of the FR product.
If that's the case why did he recommend to Wazza on the weekend to change to a FullRiver brand battery in his Cobra.


And ironically I'm using an old Odyssey battery now that is 3 cars and 7 years old and runs under the same "running a few times a year" regime and hasn't missed a beat.
Good for you. Would you like to see my pile of old Odyssey batteries I have here. None of them lasted anywhere near 7 years and most were treated well and regularly charged.

You left me no choice but to respond as you were essentially attacking the Absolute Pace business and it's choice of products.

We've purchased hundreds of FullRiver batteries, been using FullRiver for more than 6 years.

But we use and recommend them in applications that we believe they suit. And use and recommend them for suit street use in a PACE 427.

spookypt 12-15-2015 05:55 PM

Post deleted. Unconstructive comments by me. Sorry Mudbrick please continue.

Towmaster 12-15-2015 07:04 PM

Hey guys lets get Mudbricks build thread back on track.

This is why he started to document his build..... Let's let him continue please.

Donunder 12-15-2015 07:05 PM

Now now boys, play nice.... It's Christmas time already!

FullRiver good---FullRiver bad. OK that's that sorted.

Now where we?

Back to you Muddy!

boxhead 12-15-2015 07:24 PM

Opinions are like arseholes, Everyone has one, and they are almost always different.

I would recomend deleting all (including mine) before Mud looks and goes "WTF, Why do I bother"

400TT 12-15-2015 08:17 PM

Unfortunately by anyone posting this type of information and with no response, our business will be flooded with calls and emails from concerned PACE owners over the choice of the battery and issues it may have. And our owners have a right to quality parts that will work as they are intended.

Plus the damage to the brand.

So that is why we need to officially respond.

We haven't responded in the past and a lot of misinformation has been spread about the product and brand.

This isn't a personal chat and opinion, it involves a business and the respective impact to the business.

This is an extremely tough business to be in and on top of that we are in tough economic times. Any unfair negativity towards a brand in this market has a financial impact.

spookypt 12-15-2015 09:17 PM

Firstly, I know, yes JAMO and Bernie I broke a rule. But Craig knows I've said exactly the same thing to him face to face that that I personally don't like FR batteries.

Craig you have responded adequately in #29. I removed my continuum of that conversation as Boxhead suggested which I thought was a good idea. There's no brand damage as its an opinion on a battery by me. Who listens to me! Its an opinion, 1 opinion. Not a sea of negativity against your business. I'm sure with all your savviness you've eliminated the poor performing product dead ducks but that doesn't eliminate my bad experiences with that battery brand.

It is a personal chat and opinion as its a public forum. Its where people provide opinions and insights into all things cobra. Sometimes people will express negative opinions on associated brands of product that you supply in your kit. I wasn't aware you sold batteries with your kit but so what, build a bridge.

If you're not prepared to have people voice opinions on products you supply like tyres, shocks, steering wheels, car shapes, cars, engine etc etc then move on. Its cars. Everyone has an opinion.

Lastly its not unfair negativity. Find me where I have ever bagged out your business. I can post up 10 posts where I have said the exact opposite. You simply snowball a small issue into a massive one by continuing on.

Why not just say, "yeah Matt you did have a bad run with those batteries but we've not had an issue since and we've used a lot of them. It might have had something to do with the cars usage or maybe just some bad luck. Good though you've now found an alternative that's working well for you in Odyssey."

Why not just smooth it out than think that I have some personal vendetta against you and your business. Id walked away from this topic happy in that I thought by deleting and cooling my posts we'd get on with it, but gotta play the everyone bashing your business card. Freeken over that rant.

Lastly, I have responded to your texts and emailed you directly to explain pretty much what I have already said here. I have no axe to grind but the one you keep shoving in our face.

So drop all the woe is me... Its hard for everyone to make a buck not just kit car manufacturers. You have a great product but don't damage your own brand with the continuance of this conversation.

Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year and I wish you all the best.

(I have placed myself in self exile moderators until Christmas.)

Modena 12-15-2015 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by 400TT (Post 1374993)
This isn't a personal chat and opinion, it involves a business and the respective impact to the business.

Right. So this confirms the worst for me in regards to this forum. Sad.

I thought you had your own AP users forum at some other domain name, so while AP appears to be a sponsor here I didn't think that suddenly made this a non-chat and non-opinion public forum. If I'm wrong that's cool I don't have time to read this anyway.

leroy17 12-15-2015 09:55 PM

Boobies..... there we go, attention diverted, well for me at least as that is all it takes.

750hp 12-16-2015 04:05 AM

So this all happened between 8:52am and 3:55pm. I was toiling away at work while you blokes were all surfing the net. Bludgers, every one of you! ;)
Oh except Donunder who is a retired old geezer...

OK, back to the boobies - I mean build thread.

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