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Social Group Discussions in: West Coast Owners Group
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Created Showing Discussions 41 to 50 of 248 Replies Last Post
Painter selling jigs, moulds, etc
I just saw this. Anyone interested in investing in and extending the legacy? Club Cobra - west...
04-02-2021 03:34 PM
How many WCC were made by Vern?
Hello WCC enthusiastic, do we know how many WCC were built by Vern? thanks
03-31-2021 03:24 PM
West Coast Cobra First Drive
This was in 2020 the day I took it out of the garage under its own power for the first time. ...
03-29-2021 06:50 PM
New WCC Owner
Hi WCC owners. I recently purchased a 1997 build of a '66 Cobra. It's my first Cobra and I love...
03-29-2021 06:24 AM
WCC on Ebay
This is an interesting color...
03-26-2021 08:43 PM
WCC or Kellisons Running 16,17 or 18 inch wheels?
Hi guys wondering who is running the wheel diameters above 15 inch on your WCC or Kellison and can...
03-22-2021 12:28 PM
West Coast Cobra Chassis 3299 Build Log
Hey guys, I decided to finally get around to creating a build log here on the forum. Im...
03-18-2021 05:39 AM
by BAsque1
West Coast Cobra Headquarters ownership
Hello Folks: Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Does anyone know if Painter is still involved as...
03-11-2021 08:06 AM
by BAsque1 Go to last post
West Coast Cobra Windshield and vent windows
Hi West Coast members I have a west coast cobra windshield frame and vent windows. The windshield...
01-14-2021 12:00 PM
by Burnout Go to last post
Radiator replacement
Does anyone have a clue on what radiator is in this car ????
10-30-2020 09:21 PM

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