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Social Group Discussions in: West Coast Owners Group
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Created Showing Discussions 51 to 60 of 248 Replies Last Post
Which Serpentine Pulley Drive System ?
Hey WCC owners, Im wondering who is successfully running a serpentine drive system on their 385...
09-17-2020 04:49 AM
Current Values
I have seen WCC prices all over the place. I have decided it is time to sell mine and looking for...
09-03-2020 06:21 PM
WCC build info
Guys I am new around here and was wondering if there is a way to get build info on these cars? I...
08-11-2020 12:32 PM
4 point belt and headrest
Hi, i'm proud to show you my new upgrade on my WCC 1984: 4 points belts and headrest. Before there...
07-15-2020 07:59 AM
Remove Richmond 5 Speed Street w/o Removing Engine?
Does anyone know if the Richmond 5 Speed Street can be removed without removing the engine? I know...
07-07-2020 07:43 PM
Who has upgraded to fuel injection on their WCC?
Please post your experience on what system you selected and why ?
07-05-2020 08:06 PM
A New 5.0L in a WCC
http:// guys, nice to see folks still trying new solutions on the...
06-26-2020 05:24 AM
aluminum vs iron rims
Hi WC owners enthusiastic, I need help for my iron rims. My WC has a nice old iron rims, half...
05-05-2020 07:06 AM
by BAsque1
Suspension polyurethane bushings replacements
Hello Folks: Hope that all and your families are safe and well, I am considering replacing all the...
04-20-2020 03:00 PM
by FWB
kellison emblems
New stallion emblems ...
04-19-2020 07:20 AM

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