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onefastmustang 01-17-2009 02:00 PM

Well this could be judged as good recognition or bad..

I decided to go out for a drive this morning with my son. Were tooling down the road and having fun. We stop at the light, the cobra dies. I try to start it and it says NO. I pop the hood and turn it over. The fuel pressure is 0. Ut-Oh.. 5 vehicles pull up from all directions and the various occupants offer to push said cobra out of the road into a nearby parking lot. :>) I bet I would have been ignored if I was in my mustang. hehehe

ZOERA-SC7XX 01-17-2009 04:51 PM

Don't know if this is what is meant as 'recognition', but my Cobra made the photo gallery (3rd down in the lineup) in the Lime Rock Park website.

Sharroll Celby 03-17-2009 03:54 PM

I was getting gas in the Cobra today, and a 40-ish man was already pumping gas into his car. I rumbled up to the pump, shut the engine off, got out of the Cobra, and began pumping gas. The man said to me "Nice car. Now for the question of the day...(and I THOUGHT he was gonna ask me if it was "Real")...what kind of car is that?" I told him it was a replica of a car Shelby built and Ford sold back in the mid 60's. He then thanked me and wished me a great day.

I guess some people just dont know.

onefastmustang 03-17-2009 04:14 PM

I took my wife out for a long drive the other day to my companies offices. The sale reps from Oracle were there and walking to the front door. Our CTO stopped them to introduce me and the Oracle rep goes. "What year corvette is that?" Yeah.. they really don't know.

CoupedUp 03-17-2009 05:01 PM

Got a "Best in Show" from the John Force Holiday Car Show back in December. Pic is me getting the trophy from Genevieve Chappell (ESPN's "Queen of Cars").


OCCOBRA 03-17-2009 05:10 PM

I took a drive this weekend and a young guy next to me was busily snaping pictures on his cell phone. He indicated to me to rev it up and being a good sport I did so. Next light a local police officer pulled up next to me and said "Hey Shelby...Cool it" he looked familiar and that bugged me all day. That evening I realized where I knew him from....a local Corvette Show! Not sure if he was giving me a courtesy warning one enthusiast to another, or a jealous Corvette owner?

SoTxButler 03-17-2009 09:19 PM

Two weeks ago, my car won "Best in Class" and "Best Engine Compartment in Show". Two very nice trophies and $350 in CASH. Yep, I'm no longer a Car Show Virgin....this was my first show!

whichonetodrive 03-18-2009 03:35 AM

I am sitting at a light and a hot mom in a suburban pulls up and says she loves my car, at the same time a old man next to me in a new corvette says yes nice car, but what is it. when the light turned green I shook my head and showed him the backside of my car and never saw him again.

Ibr8k4vetts 03-18-2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by whichonetodrive (Post 931215)
I am sitting at a light and a hot mom in a suburban pulls up and says she loves my car, at the same time a old man next to me in a new corvette says yes nice car, but what is it. when the light turned green I shook my head and showed him the backside of my car and never saw him again.

But did you follow the hot mom in a suburban? ;)

TXBLU 03-22-2009 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by xlr8or (Post 870426)
I had a Prius prick at a light tell me my car was an environmental disaster. I told him I get 8 miles to the gallon and left him in a cloud of tire smoke.

Saw him another day going under the freeway overpass so I passed him at about 6000 RPM and waved.

Just tell those fools that when, not if, their batteries need to be replaced, the old ones are more damaging to the environment than your exhaust. Plus, they were probably made in China by a factory with no concerns for pollution. Then you can ask him how long he will have to own his car until the mileage offsets the purchase/maintenance price, especially if the batteries die prematurely.

Then you can mention that he and all his "hyper-miler" buddies create more pollution by causing other drivers have to slow down to get around them. Not to mention the safety hazzard caused by them (usually) driving 10-15 MPH slower than the normal flow of traffic.

But then again, You can't reason with a tree hugger. They use a tiny bit of information to rationalize their decisions and behavior. Those poeple are a major cause of road rage around here. I just blast by them at full throttle in my 4600 pound, 420HP, 6.1 liter HEMI, 4WD, Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8. See, they cause more pollution that way, too!!!

A better alternative is a good motorcycle. My massive Rune gets over 30MPG, and is more fun (and stylish) than ANY economy car.

Hybribs? An overall false economy.


wtm442 03-22-2009 09:16 AM

Hybrid driver sneering comments ... I like what someone here on CC posted. I've used the same line two times myself.


"Hey, I've also got a hybrid like you. It burns gas and rubber, but looks a lot better than your car ... and its a lot more fun."

Tenrocca 03-22-2009 04:42 PM

"The only true wilderness is the space between a greenies ears...."

bmeyer29 03-22-2009 06:27 PM

Last fall, we were driving along an open road section of the historic Route 66 in Northeastern Oklahoma. I had not had the cobra very long and my wife had only been out a few times with me around town, prior to this longer trip. (She had been “supportive” about getting the cobra, but didn’t really know the reaction these cars can get).

Anyhow, it was a glorious day! The engine was smooth, the car hugged the gentle curves in the road, there was almost no traffic in either direction, and the weather was perfect.

There is a railway that runs parallel to the highway through this rural area, with about 50 yards between the road and the rails. We gradually overtook a very long freight train headed west, just like us. It was probably going 55-60 mph to our 65. (I remember thinking how insignificant my small block ford's power was, compared to this train's dual diesel engines).

The train engineer was leaning out the window, looking ahead of the train. Just as we pulled even with him, he casually looked over in our direction. I happened to look at him at that same instant and saw him sit up straight, lean further out his window towards us, make huge sweeping waves at us with one hand, and blow two long blasts of his air horn with the other hand.

And then the amazing part. My wife instantly gave the engineer a “thumbs up”, looked over at me, grinned, and had only one word to say: "Wow!"

Juggernaut 03-22-2009 06:33 PM

Pretty cool stuff Bob!

john lomonaco 03-23-2009 08:53 PM

I can't count the times I've gotten thumbs up, kids hanging out bus windows
complimenting my car, even a couple of gals who repeatedly asked for my phone number. ( this would never happen in my Honda ). The best was a thumbs up from Jay Leno when he saw my car as he came out of an Italian
market in Burbank and an incident that happened last week when I was at
an impromptu show in West Hills and a man kept asking questions about my
Factory Five. He wanted to build his own car just like his grandfather did.
btw, his last name was Tucker. :LOL:

67FEfastback 03-26-2009 12:33 AM

I don't know how you cobra guys do it. You must have to have armed security or something.

In a few days we are heading for mexico. It's the last day of nice weather in the forcast, so I wanted to drive the shelby (clone) one last time. I absolutely LOVE driving this car. It's such a blast. Anyway...

I get tons of comments, as I've been driving it around, on weekends and so forth.
I've been tweaking the mechanicals for a few months. The car is still mostly in primer.

I probably spent an hour and a half extra driving home from the gym tonight.
1st a guy stopped me in the parking lot, when I was leaving.. chatted, wanted to see the engine, wanted to listen to it... he was a body man and appreciated my body work and fitment etc etc

next on the way home someone in a mini van started yelling something from his open window (I didn't roll my manual window down)
He followed me into Tim Hortons, blocking off the parking lot with his vehicle and spoke to me for 15 minutes (another ford/shelby/cobra enthusiast) said that it looked great just the way it was (in primer)

The after getting my ice cap, another kid rushed out of the restaurant and said he just wanted to "hear it!" covered all of his dad's vintage ford truck builds.

Whew, then stopped by the auto parts store, hoping to get a motorcraft oil filter.

On the way out, I think good... no one's around. Just as I'm about to close the door... there's another fan.
"Is that a shelby cobra?"
I straightened him out on that. Explained the differences.
"shouldn't the back end be higher?"
okay, no... did the corner carver vs drag racer explaination

yes it was nice... but a 15 minute drive took 1 1/2 hours

Like I said , I don't know how you cobra guys do it

ZOERA-SC7XX 03-26-2009 02:16 PM

It's worse with a Cobra. EVERYBODY wants to talk about your car; at the gas station, at traffic lights, any stop you make somebody wants to talk or ask questions, "is it real" "is it a 427", "what is it", "I knew such and such who had one". You just gotta be humble and thankful they like your car. It's better than someone throwing rocks at it.

Joe Wicked 03-26-2009 02:34 PM

Nice fastback. I would love to have one of those as well as a Cobra. One day the Cobra will happen and then I can work on convincing the wife that a fastback is required to keep the Cobra company in the lonely garage.

67FEfastback 03-27-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Wicked (Post 934196)
Nice fastback. I would love to have one of those as well as a Cobra. One day the Cobra will happen and then I can work on convincing the wife that a fastback is required to keep the Cobra company in the lonely garage.

Thanks, I have to say that the cobras especially the coupe had a huge influence on this 5 year build (but space for carrying stuff, and local not-so-sunny weather won out)

Was going to - and may still, put a halibrand styke wheel on it. But it mean$ custom offset and I want them chromed. So later on that.

There are lots of stealthy mods which make the car look, maybe, a little bit nastier than normal. I even made the brake scoops fully functional, which take the air right through 4" ducts to the brakes, instead of blowing air on the tires ;)

RicManSr 04-02-2009 11:31 AM

So far this week.

I’ve had some one ask if it was a SPIDER, a CORVETTE, an ORGINIAL, and A FACTORY FIVE.

As I was fueling up last week, the station attendant came out to the parking lot and asked if he could sit in the car while I was filling it up. I said Sure! (I had the keys in my pocket.) After few minutes, he said thank you & that I made his day!

Last week I put the new heads on the car & took it for a test drive. I got about 2 miles up the road when the water temp climbed to 210. The temp on the car has never been above 190, so I knew something was wrong. I pulled into a church parking lot and turned it off. There was coolant in the block. The intake gasket was not seated right. I wasn’t there 2 minutes when someone pulled off the road to ask if I needed a hand. He was kind enough to drive me home to get a rope, bring me back to the car & then tow me back to the house.

Had I been in my OTHER car, I would have had to walk home or call a tow truck.

Yesterday (after I fixed the intake gasket) I was going home from work when the car stumbled & died on me 30 miles from the house. I pulled into a parking lot & put up the hood. Two people stopped to offer assistance within 3 minutes. I thought I was out of gas. (I wasn’t sure the gauge was reading right.) One motorist even went to get a fuel can, filled it with his own money & brought it back to me. He refused for me to pay him back. He was just happy to see the car up close. It fired right up & I proceeded to be on my way.

Had I been in my OTHER car, I would have had to walk home or call a tow truck.

Same DAY. I fill up at a gas station two blocks up the road. (By my calculations it still had 3 gallons of fuel in it when it died.) A few minutes later, I’m headed back down the interstate when the car stumbles & dies AGAIN! I pull over off an exit & shut it off. I let it sit for a minute & it fires right back up & I get back on the road again for another two miles when it stumbles & dies again.

A few minutes later, I’m headed back down the interstate when the car stumbles & dies once more. I pull over off an exit pull into a restaurant parking lot & shut it off. I sit there for a few minutes scratching my head as to what is wrong. As I’m putting the hood up a guy in a Dodge truck pulls up in front of me, gets out & says: “Need some help?” I told him yes, but was unsure what kind of help I needed. I wasn’t sure what was wrong. Within minutes 4 or 5 guys from the restaurant that I’m at come out to see if I needed a hand & to offer assistance. I’m double checking the grounds to the MSD box (Had that problem before) Double check that its getting fuel. It fires right back up again & off I go!

Five minutes later, I’m headed back down the interstate when the car stumbles & dies AGAIN! I pull over off an exit & get out. As I’m putting the hood up a guy in a pick-up truck pulls in behind me, gets out & says: “Is that a FACTORY FIVE?!?!, Anything I can do to help?” I say yes it is and yes you can. I pull out the flashlight & stick my head under the car and check fuel filter,……you guessed it, it was clogged up! He offers to bring me to AutoZone (two blocks away) to get a replacement. Changed it out & off I went without incident.

Had I been in my OTHER car, I would have had to walk home or call a tow truck.

This car gets all the attention of a high priced hooker at a political convention.

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